Mandir Closed At 12 noon to 2 pm --- Annadan Every thrusday and Monday Evening --- Amitji Available Every Saturday and Sunday.


Sairam everyone,
Experiences of devotees during July-5 2014:
Sairam Everyone,
we wanted to share with you few more miracles happening at the temple!

Many devotees have been praying and performing pooja to Baba in Shibpur temple for the following issues and so far we have been notified that their prayers have been answered at the right time.

167 - People who have been praying to Baba have been blessed with kids

58 - devotees who’s marriage was not working out got their prayers answered .

203 - devotees have been blessed with Baba’s grace who suffered with various Family issues within 35 - of devotees who were looking up for jobs or service related issues have been blessed.

197 - of devotees who prayed to marry their love were blessed by Baba.

As many as 91 - of devotees who had health problems were cured and also almost 430 - of devotees who were struggling in education and studies had been blessed and successful by Baba’s grace.

A lady gave birth to a child after 21 years of their marriage after performing pooja and prayers to Baba in Shibpur. She is 50 years now.

So far baba has granted his vision and grace to almost 113 people though out the world who have faithfully performed various service in the temple. Many people have shred their experiences in this context.

Baba ordered a man in dream to speak to Amitji when he prayed to baba about his problem. He spoke to Amitji and it seemed to have resolved hi issue.

Amitji has shared another dream with us; Baba blessed him with another dream recently.

Baba has mentioned these statements below:
** who so ever has performed pooja in this temple will get his vision sooner or later and will be abundantly blessed by him; he has assured him that.

** Soon, Baba’s mukut will be will be made in Gold.

** Baba has ordered AMitji to build Shibpur temple’s office in Krishnanagar now.

** Baba has graced his Darshan to one of his devotees who stays in Chennai and gave him prasad. The person mentioned that he is coming from Shibpur temple and he has got the prasad for him. He did not accept anything except a glass of water from the devotee.

** Few kids from Shibpur have actually seen Baba in the new Dwarkamayee temple built there. When they reported this to their parents they did not believe but baab has confirmed it later .

** Baba has assured that who so ever offers Pooja or any service to Baba with out any condition at the shibpur temple they will be for sure liberated

** Also Baba has mentioned that who do not trust when prayers are offered on their behalf; AMitji can send them Tabiz which they can wear.

** Baba has also permitted Amitji to make Tabiz to any one who has serious issues with what so ever matter in their life. He can send them. Till now it was not sent to everyone . These will be made in new Dwarkamayee with Baba’s grace.

-- On a personal note, Amitji wanted to share the below news with you all. With Baba;s Grace, he has won the below Awards: Indira Gandhi Excellence Award, outstanding achievement on Social work

Rajiv Gandhi Excellence Award, outstanding achievement on Social work

Best Photo Journalist of India,

Best Leadership award in still Photography

Mother teresa Shiromani Award for social work

Nelson Mendela peace award for social work.

Indian achiever award for social service excellence.

International Gold star Photographers award + 4 gold medal.’ International gold medal award.

The Open international university for complementary medicine. (colombo Srilanka, ceremony in Kualalapur Malaysia) doc of honor for social worker.

Dr. Amit Kumar Biswas.

Asia pacific award, nominated for social worker.

We thank you again for all your love and support for this temple. Jai Sai Ram

Experiences of devotees during July-Aug 2012:

Sirisha Oruganti:

Om sai ram
Our Family experience with Shibpur SaiBaba

With lots of debates arguments we finally made it to Shibpur on 28th and 29th of July 2012.

Amitji arranged us a taxi to and from Calcutta airport.Also he arranged us a room to stay in for 28th and 29th . After we landed in Calcutta we went to room and took some rest and went to Shibpur temple for the evening Arathi around 5pm.

First of all i would like to say what i thought before i landed in temple.

I thought as my husband and my dad came to Shibpur because of me asking them .So i thought They should be more satisfied than i am.

Secondly i thought, it would be nice if i offer something to eat (prasadam) for Baba. As we are new to that place and do not know the language and can't make anything in that place.

Thirdly, this one i thought when i was in temple, i thought if i get something from this temple to pray at my home like small baba statue or something .. like that will be nice to do pooja at home.

Fourth one,i wanted to light diya( oil light/lamp) in temple for Baba.

So on July 28th for evening arathi we went to temple. We washed our legs prayed to Ganesh and asked temple authorities for oil and lighted Diya In gurushthan and prayed Baba( This is my fourth wish as mentioned above).

Then we went to Neem tree and prayed Baba, and went into main temple towards Bade Baba. Then we moved to Shibpur sai statue. We sat there for few minutes and then they arranged for Baba's arathi.In few minutes Arathi started. Arathi they did in Shibpur temple was totally different from what is done at shiridi. Even though we do not know the language we really enjoyed the Arathi.

This is how they did the Arathi. They used musical instruments like tabla etc.. With few men and women and sang the Arathi like kalli’s pooja. This made me feel like, if Baba is alive in human form and if this was Shiridi , i could imagine and see how each every devotee that come there will do their pooja with true love towards baba it is just like that. What a wonderful experience.

I could feel the true feeling and devotion that devotes are showing while doing arathi.while this is happening they move one from Shibpur baba to Bade baba. we followed them and there also the same thing. Such a true love towards baba and they offered prasadam to baba.

After the Arathi is over. I gave the money that i collected on Thursdays while doing pooja to Amitji and my sister's money that she wanted to donate.

Then Amitji took that money, smiled and said it would be nice if it a check as it is a village and most of them are coins. It will be easy for them to exchange that money. We said ok and we gave a check to him and in the meantime he picked some of those coins(US dollars,nickel's penny’s etc..) and showed those to all the villagers who came there for Arathi.

They were all very happy to see them and they mentioned that they never saw those things. I was very happy for that, In the meantime Amitji took those few coins and dollar bills and mentioned that he will use them in the temple for display and he returned me the remaining ones. What a surprise, There are so many devotees from US. But Baba selected me and the money that i collected for display in the temple for devotes. If you look back in shiridi , Baba gave Nava vidabhakthi(coins ) and those are the coins that you will see in Lakshmi bhaye's house display. What a privilege baba gave me.I am very Thank full to baba.Then we moved on to rest place where all of us were sitting there and they brought us dinner to eat.(poori and some curry’s and sweets)we all started to eat My dad, My husband and myself in the meantime a dog came in front of this room and shaking its tail and looking at my husband .My husband took half poori from his plate and was about to feed that to dog. Immediately i stood up and took 1 poori from my plate and gave it to dog. It ate that food happily and left. What a privilege baba gave me. Baba came there in the form of dog and ate that prasadam with my hand. I was able to give him prasadam with my hand.( this was my second wish as mentioned above)then they told us about temple details we were introduced to temple committee .We spent time and attended night Arathi also and then we went back to room that night.

To my surprise, First time in these 9 years of my marriage life .My husband asked me for my experience with shibpur sai temple and saibaba.

I was with no words and my heart melted with tears. He asked me many times that night and i just smiled as i could not speak . Then i asked him tell me about his experience.

He mentioned that he was very happy to visit Shibpur temple from heart and he also mentioned that he liked it very much.

He also mentioned that he liked the true love that devotees showed on us in the temple .The way they feeded us the dinner, prasadam and the way they did Arathi.Also he was able to spend time peacefully. He mentioned this many times. So my husband is satisfied more than me with his visit to shibpur saibaba.(This is my First wish as mentioned above).

Next day morning we went there around 10 a.m to temple and prayed to baba and they were offering lunch to baba and we sat there for few minutes and prayed to baba.Then they offered us Lunch and we ate that lunch and was about to leave Shibpur to airport. Then Amitji asked one boy to get something from inside.

He brought 2 Photo frames of shibpur saibaba and Amitji gave us prasadam and veebudhi and mentioned my dad and myself to each one of us and gave those 2 photo frames to me and my dad.

i was really really happy ( as this was my third wish as mentioned above)In my mind i was thinking it will be nice if they give us one more for my sister. As i knew that she will ask me.

Without me saying anything Amitji mentioned that you can give these to any of yours friends etc...And gave me 2 shibpur sai regular photos. How can i explain what i experienced and how I felt.

There are no words to say that experience. All the things and wishes that i thought before going to temple are all fulfilled.

I never mentioned even one for them to any one... they were just in me...not even in front of Baba.Baba is everywhere. He made me experience him through these sevas.

Also each one of these baba statues in shibpur, I had a unique experience with tears in my eyes and my heart melted.

What a beautiful experience. Myself and my husband thought that we will write our experience about Shibpur baba experience and we are posting it now. This is such a unique place where you will see true love in people.These days it is tough to find true love .If a change has to start anywhere it should start with us and the true love towards everyone is what will make us human and make us happy.

Baba is everything.Belive in Baba. See Baba in all of us. He is everywhere.

He will take care of us.

If there are any mistakes forgive me Baba.

Jay Iyer
One day, around April end 2012, I came across a devotee experience of Shibpur Sai Baba in a Shirdi Sai Baba devotee experience blog. I got very intrigued, searched for more and came across Shibpur Sai Baba site (I would request all Sai devotees to go through the web site which describes the miraculous advent of Sai Baba in Shibpur, the glorious, wonderful events that took place and are still taking place in Shibpur where Shirdi Sai Baba has chose to perform His leelas and bless people who helplessly turn to Him and seek His shelter). I felt like calling the devotee who Baba has chosen as His nimitta (instrument) Amit Biswas - Amitji (the great grandson of Sri Ramdas Biswas), in whose dream Sai Baba personally appeared and told to construct a temple in the place where his great grandfather used to worship Sai. I expressed my desire to come for darshan and found out from him which days he would be in Shibpur so that I could plan my visit accordingly.

There was then the challenge of arranging the necessary funds. I understood from the leela of the devotee who borrowed money to come to Shirdi in Sai Charitra that Sai Baba was not pleased. I didn’t know how else I could arrange money. One day I was searching for something when I happened to open a draw and found a letter which I didn’t remember seeing earlier. On opening, I was shocked and had my hair standing on end – it was a cheque in my name from the Tax office saying this was some returns from past eight years income (I still fail to understand the amount and explanation) which was sent 2 months back and the amount was just enough to cover my cost for travel!!!!!! I was shaken to the core to witness this amazing leela of Sai Baba’s mercy.

Overjoyed, then I discussed the possible dates with Amitji so that I could plan and take leave. It so happened that last minute, I could not go on the day I had planned originally but was reaching Shibpur the following day. I then came to know that this is also Baba’s boundless mercy (Aseem kripa), as in this way, I could witness the Gopur inauguration pooja.

I flew to Calcutta airport around 11 am, from where Amitji had arranged for his cousin brother to pick me up in their jeep and drive me to Shibpur. I was joined by Amitji’s mother and sister in Krishna nagar. As we were nearing Shibpur, my heart felt very heavy and I felt like crying for nearly an hour and I just couldn’t stop. On reaching the gates of Shibpur temple around 4 pm, I first had darshan of the shrine of Bade Baba who is a replica of Shirdi’s Sai Baba murti. (For details of the temple and the reason for two Sai Baba murtis being worshipped in Shibpur, you could read the wondrous leela of Sai Baba’s appearance in Shibpur from the temple website). The premise itself is so heavenly serene and rural – I stood in awe sensing the divine atmosphere – I felt like a little stray street urchin who was allowed to sneak and peek into an emperor’s special personal quarters – someone who hasn’t earned any merits or doesn’t deserve to be there but by sheer grace of the Emperor of the entire Creation – happens to be standing there – and I don’t even know the right protocol or formality to approach Him or pray. Neither adequate Shraddha nor enough Saburi. But the Lord was ready to accommodate a little nobody’s desire for darshan and magnanimously arranged for everything – what inconceivable and boundless amazing ocean of mercy for bound, blind, helpless souls struggling in vain to get over the vicious and unrelenting cycle of actions (karma) and reactions(karma phala/ prarabdha).

The simple and loving devotee pujari received me, told me Amitji was not around and guided me to go up the stairs and take darshan. I placed my head at the marble imprint of the Lotus feet in front Bade baba. He then took me to Shibpur Sai’s shrine. I went in with bated breath and bowed down. I could not sit for more than a few seconds or a minute and felt very hot and sought to take leave. The pujari then showed me the room above Amitji’s residence for me keep my belongings and freshening up. I took a bath and came down to Shibpur Sai’s shrine. This time, I was able to sit there without any discomfort. I felt like singing all bhajans and kirtans I ever knew. I sang to my hearts content and lost count of time and eventually felt peaceful as if all my problems had melted away. I knew from devotees experiences that the evening aarti took place from around 7 pm to 9 pm. Soon the evening aarti started. I had seen a video of this aarti on their website but being a part of it was a divine experience.

In this holy land of Nadia (WestBengal), where Lord Krishna and Lord Balaram appeared as Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and Sri Nityananda to freely distribute the Holy name of the Lord (Hari naam), He has once again re-appeared to bless mankind as Shri Sainath and Lord Anantha Sesa (Balaram’s aspect) who appeared and communicated to Amitji that He is present with Sai Baba in a form that is not visible to mortal perception. The aarti was in Bengali and so pure and devotional. The devotion of the local villagers reminded one of the simple cowherd community of Gokul brimming with spontaneous selfless love for their dear Kanha. Their worship was heart touchingly simple and yet of very high caliber. They were poor but everything they possessed was at Sai’s service. The pujari who does the aarti gets so immersed in devotion that after a few minutes he starts swaying gently to the tune of the aarti with the aarti diya stand or the camphor aarti - depending on what he is offering in aarti- which slowly builds tempo into a rhythmic dance along with the beats of the kartaal (cymbals), mridanga (drum) and the ‘ulu-lu’ sound made by the ladies. Such devotional abandon makes your heart dance with joy of the intensity of the moment and being fortunate enough to be a witness in the grand durbar of the Lord of the Universe and His close intimate devotees. The devotees we read in Sai Sat Charitra seem to spring to life and present before you in flesh and blood. I suddenly felt that this scene was not really a part of this world and that I was transported into the spiritual world.

The aarti started at Shibpur Sai Baba’s shrine, then proceeded to Dhuni shrine, Bade Baba’s shrine and Datta shrine, so it went on for nearly two and a half hours – till 9.30 p.m After the aarti, Amitji came and met me, he explained that he was busy organizing for the puja for the next day – which was Gopur sthapana. He asked me to tell me about myself, any of my problems. We sat outside the Dhuni shrine and it was very peaceful and serene. I told him a little about myself and certain doubts I am facing regarding health and relatives. He told me a couple of things which were answers to my worries and uncertainties. I asked him if there was any literature regarding the temple. He said that that as he has to look after so many things, he has shared most of the history and leelas of Sai baba in Shibpur. Even for that he needed help and there is still a lot to be done (he also has a job in Krishna nagar as he is a family man and comes to Shibpur three days in a week and whenever there are important festivals, supervises construction and running of the temple, raises funds and the list is never ending). He told me that since Baba has made you ask and express your desire, He has given indication that He wants you to do that seva. I was so overwhelmed to hear those words… such an insignificant person who doesn’t even have what it takes to fall under the category of a devotee. But I prayed to Baba to empower me and guide me as to how to go about it as I struggle to do my worldy routine for survival. I would need every Sai devotee’s blessing and the co-operation of the Sai devotees who have had the good fortune to come to Shibpur dham and get the anubhuti , realization and experience of Sai to help compile the glorious merciful anecdotes of Sai’s divya leelas in Shibpur dham. (If anyone wishes to narrate their experiences so that they can be compliled and shared with other devotees – with or without revealing their names or identity – they can email either Amitji or send me to

A young couple came to take darshan and as Amitji was watching, the husband was making the wife stand near Shibpur Sai and was taking photos with his mobile. Amitji was smiling. On asking he said, the photo will appear only if it is Baba’s wish. We need to take Baba’s permission, Baba is not so easy to capture. When the young couple came out, Amitji asked them where they were from other pleasantries. When they were leaving, Amitji called out to the other devotees to give them prasad.

He then told me in hindi, come Baba is calling you to His house and told me to go and sit in Shibpur Sai Baba’s shrine. He told me to concentrate and focus on Baba – I don’t remember the exact words (as I was in awe and anticipation of this much awaited moment) but I remember understanding it as – look at Baba’s face and eyes. He said leave all your troubles here and take Baba’s shelter - saying that, he left me.

I remembered a devotee’s experience saying that after focusing on Baba’s face for while, Baba’s gaze suddenly became directly on that devotee.

I prayed to Sainath and tried to focus on Baba’s lotus face – but he seemed to be looking far away behind. Because I was trying hard to focus, the vision of Baba kept getting hazy and as if is dissolving away. I was thinking this is due to trying too hard to focus. There was a pujari who came to do some offering and went away. I still tried to concentrate with full intensity and devotion but Baba seemed to be looking over my head far away. Then suddenly I felt that I am able to see only one eye if I focus intensely and it appeared as if that eye was looking at me for a split second but I couldn’t manage to see both eyes of Baba together. This feeling of having Baba’s gaze on me happened two three times. Suddenly, there was a black out (power failure for a short while) and everything was in pitch darkness. Strangely I did not feel any fear or uncomfortable. I did not move my focus and kept trying to concentrate in the same point. For a split second I could feel that in the place of Baba’s eyes, I could see like two greenish radium-like glow. Then again there was darkness. Then again, for a split second in the darkness, I could see only the face of a marble statue of Baba – which could be of Shibpur Bade Baba. Then soon the lights came back. I am not sure if the pujari came to take the bhoga plates after the lights went off or before. I had to leave the shrine when the pujari peeped to say that it was time for Baba’s rest and I understood that I had to leave. I bowed down to Baba with a grateful and happy heart and came out to. They took me to the place where guests are received and gave me a plate of Prasad which had puris, potato subji, fruits and rasgullas. I felt extremely previliged to have that. While I was eating, there appeared a dog outside. I asked the devotee who was giving me company - if I could give some prasad to the dog. He said I could place the food near a tree outside, which I did and the dog had the Prasad in darkness.

Amitji came and asked me about my experience with Baba. I told him that initially I was wishing a lot for Baba to cast His merciful glance at me and Baba seemed to look far beyond but for some micro seconds I felt that He did glance. I asked Amitji when He would do puja of Baba as I came to know that he does it late. He said Baba doesn’t want me to do puja today. He said I should write about the experience I had and share it with devotees.

He told me to rest as it was late. I went the room on the first floor to rest. I regretted not telling Amitji my wish of wanting to keep my head at the Lotus feet of Shibpur Baba before I was asked to go in.

I was aware of devotional music blaring in the loudspeakers in the village which was heard in the silence of the night. Later I came to know that some bhajan kirtan programme was held till late in the night in the village.

I was tense that I should not miss the mangal aarti, so I woke up may be around 3 to 3.30 and quickly bathed to be ready. I came and sat near the Dhuni shrine, it still seemed early as no one was about. I again got a chance to say all the prayers I knew sitting outside the Dhuni. Somehow the atmosphere made me think that this is how it will be in Vrindavan at night or early hours of dawn with some odd bird chirping or cooing. It was such a divine, out of the world feeling. Then the devotees came to start mangal aarti at Bade Baba’s shrine. After the aarti, they bathed Bade Baba, wiped Him, dressed Him and decorated Him with garlands and simple fresh flowers. Another thing that caught my attention and made me happy was that the women devotees also took active part in Sai Baba’s seva and assisted the male pujaris. One lady pujari bathed the smaller murti of Sai Baba, and did all the Shringar seva. Sai Baba treated everyone equally and gave everyone a chance to serve Him. They made a small pattern with flowers like rangoli in front of Bade Baba – very heart touching devotion.

Once again it comes to the mind that this is how the worship of Kanha would have been in Gokul dham by the simple Brijwasi villagers. The ladies made me come and sit in front to have better darshan and in Bengali mixed with sign language, tried to communicate with me.

After the aarti got over, there was going to be a Narayan puja and homam a little later before commencing the Gopur sthapana. The pujari told me that I could go to my room and rest for an hour and come to witness the puja. I happened to sleep for nearly two and a half hours or so as the hectic pace and excitement of the last two days caught up. There was a knock and a devotee came to call me that the puja was nearly coming to an end and soon they would be performing maha aarti. I quickly freshened up, feeling very sheepish and ran to Shibpur Sai Baba’s shrine where the puja was being conducted. Once the maha aarti was over, Amitji introduced me to his mother, grandmother, aunt, cousin sister, wife and little son Sai Gaurav – who was one year and three months old. I apologized for over sleeping. Amitji told me to go with his mother and have some tea and come to the roof of the temple where the Gopur sthapana was going to commence. Amitji’s mother and wife made me sit in their house and gave me tea and chiwda. Amitji’s lovely wife Piyali told me how she got married and how for a few years after marriage they didn’t have a child. On consulting astrologers, they were told that Amitji’s horoscope does not have a child’s yoga. But Amitji was sure that they would get a child when Baba wished. Their prayers were answered and a baby boy was born. She was saying that when she was pregnant, she didn’t know whether it would be a baby boy or a girl. But slowly she realized that whenever Amitji made references to the baby, he would speak as if it was a boy. (Sai Baba had let Amitji know and also that the baby’s name would be Sai Gaurav).

After having some Assam style black tea, I went outside and the local village devotees were up to the roof of the temple with a tied bamboo ladder. Very lovingly, they encouraged me to climb and demonstrated how to climb by not looking down and feel dizzy. I climbed up and the rituals soon started. Even though it was only 10 am, it was very hot and we were barely able to stand bare feet. We stood under the shade offered by the branches of the holy neem tree. The guruji who did the Narayana homa applied tilak to Amitji. The workers mixed cement and sand in right proportions, estimated the right angle and alignment with the string and after breaking a coconut to remove all obstacles, Amitji placed the first brick and concrete while the devotees chanted names of Sai Baba continuously. I felt as if I was witnessing a moment that would be a milestone and history in the archive of Shibpur Sai temple. Everyone paid their respects to Amitji one by one as he represented Vishwakarma (the heavenly architect) and Sai Baba himself at that moment. The young bowed down and touched his feet (pranaam) and the elders touched his chin affectionately. I bowed down but (unfortunately) as in my background and culture (from south India) it was not a custom for ladies to actually touch the feet of men, I was not able to touch his feet but regretted losing that chance ever since.

After I got down, once again following demonstration by local devotees, Amitji told me to get ready so that I can leave straight away after afternoon aarti. I got ready and once again Amitji’s mother and wife offered lunch which was delicious with rasgullas offered to Sai Baba. When Amitji’s mother came to know that I love sweets, she packed some more prasad sweets for me to take with me. I was overwhelmed by the love and affection showered on me by all the devotees – as if I was a person from their family.

After the noon (madhyana) aarti, with a sad feeling, I started to leave the holy premises. Amitji told me to go and take Shibpur Sai Baba’s permission, he told me to touch the neem tree, he gave me some Prasad and udi packets to take with me and distribute it to friends and relatives. On my way back, I was mentally replaying those precious moments in Shibpur and wished Sai Baba would bless me in the future to have the good fortune of His darshan and seva again in Shibpur.

Shibpur Sai Baba blessed me with much more than I had expected. But I had one regret… if only I could have touched His feet, if only He would have allowed me… Then suddenly it dawned that the time when the lights went out, in the darkness for a flash of a second, Shibpur Sai had shown me a vision of a marble idol face which seemed like Bade Baba. I also recalled that the time I stepped into the temple, I was led to Bade Baba’s shrine first and I had placed me head on the marble padukas. So I felt Shibpur Baba was telling me that He was the same and already allowed me to touch His feet. My cup of happiness overflowed… what more could I ask for… Just His blessings to bestow upon me Shraddha and Saburi – the pillars of the bridge to attain Sai bhakti.

May Sainath be the ruler of our hearts and guide us always with His ever loving merciful glance….

. Shri Sainath Maharaj ki jai…. Shibpur Sai Baba ki jai… Bade Baba ki jai…

Aditya Kurulkar

Om sai ram
Aditya Kurulkar Visit to Shibpur temple – Aug 2012

Om Sai Ram

With Baba's grace, I was able to visit Shibpur this year on Aug 21st 2012. As my India trip was planned this year, so was the visit to Shibpur. Baba had made all plans for me to reach there and fortunately I was receied by Mr. Santanu Das Gupta at Kolkata airport, who is a resident of Kolkata and an ardent devotee of Baba. He is an active volunteer at the temple. we reached Shibpur by 1pm and were welcomed by all the temple crew and Amitji. Everyone was very loving and happy to receive us there. I could see a whole new dimension of the temple compared to my last visit in Dec 2010. However, after refreshing ourselves at the visitor's room we had a small tour of the temple. To start with is Ganapati, Hanuman and Datta Guru mandir, The bade baba mandir which was closed after the noon aarti and the 150 year old temple. All the structures are now newly built with the help of many devotees helping out for construction. The gopuram construction is also 80% completed now except the coluring part which will start on sept 4th. However, after a while we were told that we can see Shibpur baba and entered the new room made for baba, which I would say is the most peaceful place on the earth. The moment we entered the room , we could feel baba's presence there.

We were so pleased to see how beautifully the temple is constructed. I would really thank every one of you to help build this temple. Later on, we moved to another small room, which is said to be the office room. Amitji had installed speaker system all over the temple (Shibpur Baba's mandir, Bade baba mandir and the 150 year old mandir) and Mr. Santanu Das ji innaugurated this and I must say it was a heavenly atmosphere to hear sai naam all over the place. After a while, it was time for evening aarti and all the village people gathered in the temple for aarti. Just before the evening aarti, Amitji announced about an Audio CD with Bhajans in Bengali on Shibpur Sai baba. This CD contains the Shibpur baba Aarti and other bengali bhajans, few of which have been written by Amitji himself and sung by a local Singer. I could not understand the meaning of them :) but, i can say you would enjoy the tune.

Myself and Santanuji were blessed to innaugurate the CD on the same day. Later on, evening aarti commenced from Shibpur Baba's mandir, continuing to Dhuni room, Datta mandir, and reached Bade Baba mandir. We could feel the positive vibrations all throughout the place. After the aarti, we distributed the prasad and met all the people from village and the temple crew. After sepnding some time with the local people, Amitji mentioed that "Baba is calling you", " I can see baba and currently there are very very powerful and supreme vibrations in this place and also in shibpur Baba's mandir". having said so, he took me and Santanu ji in the mandir and made us sit there in front of baba and asked us to be quiet and concentrate on Baba.

The moment I entered the mandir, I was surprised to experience such a powerful vibration. I dont have words to express that! However, we sat before Baba and I started to focus on baba, leaving aside the rest of the world. All the time, i could feel that strong vibes in the room and I still remember Baba's face. While I was focusing on him, I could see for a second, Satya Sai baba's face which turned into total dark later on. Then I could see Shibpur baba again. Strangely I would see him staring at me and his face seemed to be soo happy. Sometimes, i felt like Baba is trying to get up and come down the altar. After a min, i saw lord Balaji's face, this happened twice actually. Later on, I saw Baba staring at me again and I could see his lips moving slightly and I felt that he was actually talking to me for a long time. I asked about this to Amitji once I came out of the room, he smiled and said, you will come to know about what he talked very soon!! However, Baba talking to me, continued for long time. After sometime, i could feel a very strong force pulling me to one side and I was totally blank that point for few seconds I guess and I could not see baba that time. I wanted to let loose myself and get carried away with that force but somehow I could not ehenever i tried to focus on baba. That I would say was the experience of the strongest vibration. I may not able to express that same here in words but I can surely say it was amazing!!! However, after sometime everything seemed to be normal as if it was a regular place. After some time Amitji came in and mentioned that baba needs to sleep now and you too.

After we exit the mandir, we had dinner and Amitji ordered us to go and sleep and not to stay in the temple campus anymore. We were puzzled at this but he insisted us very much on this. However, we went to sleep to get up for the morning aarti at 4am. We woke up at 3.45 and got ready for the aarti. It was amazing to see the morning aarti as well. After amitji woke up he explained to us the reason why he forced us to sleep the last night. He said that there was some negetive vibes in and around the temple at that late hour and as we had a strong positive vibration, it could have nullified all the effect. So, he asked us to be in the room and take rest. Very interesting and strange indeed!! However after spending sometime in the temple talking to Amitji and also discussing about other developments about the temple we left the place around noon time. Just before we left the temple, we were again blessed to Innaugurat the Gopuram which was almost complete the construction. The official innauguration will be done in October but, however, we broke a coconut on the Gopuram platform. Later on, Amitji gave us some Udi packets and pictures that we can send the devotees abroad.

Overall, this was a very memorable visit and I was so happy to see the temple developing. Beleive me friends, people staying there are in such a poor condition (i got to see this when Amitji took me on a tour to the whole village and we had rasgulla's at everyones house :) we had been to pujari's house, secretrry's house and many other people working in the temple/samity) and still there is no limit to their love and devotion towards Baba. Hatts off to their love and devotion. However, I will soon share th pictures and videos of the temple that I took during my stay. Amitji and the temple crew had personally thanked every one to help build the temple so far. We will share the next ventures of the temple.

Om Sairam
Miraculous Call Of Baba
I had a wish to visit Shibpur ever since I heard about it. I donated for the temple also. Same night Baba gave me Darshan and I saw a remote village which I suppose was Shibpur only. Since this place is located in a politically sensitive and disturbed area with unstable law and order conditions, I was avoiding going alone. I coaxed my friend Shama to accompany me however it didn’t materialize. Nobody was ready to go with me (as Baba said, “nobody can visit me till I call”). And the wish remained submerged in my heart.

Last year was very bad for me health wise. In September, I reached a point, where I felt I needed a break. Applied for leave to visit Sai at Shirdi to recharge myself, but it was rejected twice. Dejected due to the state of affairs, I blamed Sai and fought with Him (I do that often). I challenged Him, “I am not going to think of visiting You till You Yourself call me. You don’t have a human form. Let me see how You will summon me”. I cried. In January, I applied for leave to join my kids on their vacation. In my heart, I also wished to go to Shirdi. I knew going to Shibpur was out of question. Sai had already said, “Those whom I consider MINE, will visit me at Shibpur and not those who consider me as God”. I was aware leave will be rejected this time and for all logical reasons. Two of my peers were on medical leave and there were no other choices, who could assume my charge. I was pessimistic.

But Then A Strange Thing Happened
A friend Nagarjun, who is more of a Guru to me, left a message in my inbox - I would like to accompany you to Shibpur. I could not believe my eyes - Sai's call. Was it? Was Sai speaking through Nagarjun? Yes, He was. It was an invitation from Sai to visit Him at Shibpur. It was an answer to my challenge. Baba can speak even though He left His mortal coil. What surprised me most was how did Nagarjun know that I wished to visit Shibpur that too in January? I asked him that. He replied that he felt like visiting that place. But Baba (I address Nagarjun as Baba), I am not getting leave. I informed him. He laughed and said your leave has been sanctioned and believe me we are going to Shibpur. I saw this in my vision. After two days, I was informed that my leave was sanctioned. This was another surprise. Still I wanted to reassure myself that Sai actually wanted me to visit Shibpur and not Shirdi. In the evening, Nagarjun asked me Chutti mil gayi (Did you get leave)? I said yes. So where are you going? “I am not sure”, I told. Okay wait till tomorrow, you will know, he said. Next evening, I told him. I am not sure yet, you tell me what Sai wants. He said Shibpur. I was simply ecstatic. This was an honorable invitation and a more clear indication from Sai. My ego was satisfied and anger subsided. I was so happy. Sai fulfilled my wish to visit Him at Shibpur that too with my Guru. He gave me more than I wished.

Intruduction of Nagarjun
He is a basically a healer gifted with powers of premonition. He reads thoughts, visits souls and can see beyond the things, especially in meditation. He found me in a socialnetworking site when I needed healing. He healed me and guided me on the path of spirituality. Here I would also like to mention that he heals those, who need it free of cost. He showed right path to many drifted people, who are now well settled in their lives. He does this to get peace for himself and to spread love. He is a rare goal and human being. He says his sole aim is to serve people and dispel pain and suffering, but on one condition. He chooses pure souls, the real needy ones.

I would also like to mention that Nagarjun is a great devotee of Shakti and draws his powers from her. He told me that he lost connectivity with HER during this Navratras. When asked why, he said this must be another process of evolution. He was looking for some divine blessings to upgrade his existing spiritual and gifted powers and capabilities. He was not sure it was Sai and always told me that I don’t bow my head before any deity or power. He was not aware why he felt like visiting Sai. Probably it was an experiment.

Intruduction of Another Guru Anju Sharma
She is a Reiki healer from Karnal, blessed with divine powers. She is a professional healer and a wonderful person. I came into her contact due to Nagarjun. She blessed me and took into her fold. The most striking thing is she knocks me whenever I am upset or need guidance. She is a highly evolved and enlightened soul, who sees and feels things much before we normal human beings can.

Baba Gave Me Darshan In Dream
Before leaving home, I prayed to Sai - Baba my only wish is that You meet me in human form, put Your hand on my head and bless me. Be with me throughout. I just want to meet You and nothing else. Same night, I saw a dream. I was standing in a crowded room and Sathya Sai Baba entered the room and walked straight towards me. I was dumbfounded. I asked him – Baba, I called Sai. Did He send you instead? He spoke nothing and gave a sly smile, put His hand on my head, blessed me and walked out quietly. Next morning, when I recalled the dream, I was stupefied. Baba fulfilled my wish same day. Throughout my journey Baba's presence was felt. A co-passenger had Sai bhajan as the dial tone and whenever his phone rang, I felt as if Sai was around.

Sai Devotee Met Me In Train
In the evening, many local travelers boarded the compartment at Allahabad. They were sitting on the side seats and curtains of my side were drawn. I could hear noise there, but I kept reading Sai Satcharitra. After few minutes, a man came inside and sat on the seat in front of me. I took few minutes break and Sai Satcharitra was on the table. He asked my permission to see the book and I allowed. I noticed his interest in the book and smiled. I was glad he was an ardent Sai devotee and let him read the book. After few minutes, he started asking me about my experiences with Sai and I described them in detail. He was filled with Bhakti Bhaav for Sai and shared his own. Then, he requested me if he could take my Sai Satcharitra. I smiled. I could have given him that happily if it was not a gift from Sai Mandir Chandigarh. I promised him that I would send him a copy by courier soon. He gave me his address and phone number. After that he shifted his seat to other side where about five of his companions were gossiping.

I was very happy. I had a wish before setting out on my journey to distribute Sai Satcharitra to true devotees of Baba. Sai fulfilled this wish too. I was also wondering why out of those six passengers, only this person came inside and talked to me. Obviously Sai vibrations pulled him towards me.

Sai Rescued At Every Step And Guided Us
We set out for Shibpur around 4.30 PM. It was 15 km away from Bethuadhari. We enquired many people about the way. It was confusing again. There were two places by same name. They asked which Shibpur? We said Sai Temple. Locals feigned ignorance. We are not aware of any such temple. I was shattered how come local villagers don’t know. I was almost in tears. We moved ahead. An old man wearing white clothes and white beard was standing in front of a shop. For a moment, I identified him with my Sai and requested driver to enquire from him. He spoke to that old man and he guided us correctly. Go straight 12 kms and avoid talking to locals (an inert warning), then you will reach Shibpur. Image of that old man still lingers in my mind. Due to his guidance, we could reach Shibpur and later driver told me he was a Muslim. Somehow I felt some strong connection with him.

Blissfull Destination(8th Feb 2012)
Throughout the way, I was disillusioned, prayed. Oh Sai, what kind of test is this? People in Your area don’t know You, whereas I came from so far to see You. Are You there or I was fooled by some enthusiastic devotees on internet? Was that just a hype created through internet or anything existed at Shibpur? I traveled for three days to see You. Was my effort just a waste? My heart cried and mind wandered. Finally we reached Shibpur. All my doubts vanished the moment. I set my foot inside the temple. I felt a strange sense of peace as if no doubt and fear existed.

Charecters of Sai Satcharitra
Members of Temple Management were aware of our visit. They welcomed us whole-heartily and our hearts melted and responded to their pure love. Sujoy Mandal, who spoke Hindi, took us to visitor's room. He took us around the temple and apprised us of the miracles taking place in the area. His smile and enthusiasm was child like he reminded me of Shama, Baba's bhakt in Masjid at Shirdi. Then Manojit Biswas, an old man and few other members talked to us in the visitor's room. Sujoy asked us to wait till Aarti was over. We agreed.

The Aarti was another memorable experience. It was pure love for Baba more than Bhakti. The kind of love Meera had for Lord Krishna, pure devotion. Apparently, the remote area people lacked knowledge about the method of Aarti done at Shirdi. Still they did it in their own style in Bengali. I could see the person performing Aarti, Monty Ghosh, in a trance. He wore orange robes and was dancing while his eyes closed, reminded me of Mahalsapati during Baba's Chawadi Samaroh mentioned in Sai Satcharitra.

I would also like to make a special mention about the Secretary of the Temple Society. He is a calm and gentle soul. He was there throughout around us with a smile, but he could not interact with us due to language problem. All other Members were also present in the evening in the Aarti and visitor's room. All of them were good souls completely in communion with powerful Sai vibrations of that place. I have no doubt that they are reincarnations of characters of Sai Satcharitra, who served Baba in His Masjid.

Amazing Experience During Aarti
Few minutes before Aarti, I and Nagarjun went into the main Sai Temple. I don’t have words to express the feeling. Powerful vibrations of Sai embraced us. I am a normal human being, so experienced them only in the peace that prevailed in the air and my mind. But Nagarjun was a spiritually blessed person. He shared with me later that. Sai hugged him. He told me that he experienced such overwhelming emotions only two times before in his life - one was in Chatrapur Mandir and other in Vaishno Devi. He said he could not control his emotions and tears were flowing from his eyes. We both were convinced that devotee’s beliefs are true. Sai was very much present in Shibpur.

Aarti is performed at four places. One at Main Temple, Dhuni Place, Bade Baba Mandir and Temple, where lot of other deities are installed (pictures are already attached in the blog). Sujoy asked us to follow them as they proceeded to all the temples for Aarti and we did. Aarti started in Bade Baba Mandir. Again same vibrations engulfed me. I felt a strong desire to offer the “Chanwar Sewa” (it was a kind of hand fan with silk threads) to Baba. I kept watching the priest doing that, but after few moments, I could not stop myself. I went to Baba's main idol and stretched my hand before the priest quietly for the chanwar. He smiled and handed it to me. I stood near Baba, closed my eyes and kept offering the chanwar sewa. I was not aware how long I did, but after few minutes I gave it back to him and came back to my place. There were Padukas of Baba, which people were worshiping after completion of Aarti formalities. I stood quietly letting others do that. With intent to see if Nagarjun would bow down before Baba. Because he shared his experience of main temple later and I was unaware of his reaction. He told me again and again that he doesn’t bow before anybody as he was a strong willed person who never accepts anyone as Guru. I saw him going near Baba's Paduka. He bowed down whole heartedly. I could feel. I was happy for him. He found his Guru.

Then we moved ahead to next temple for Aarti. While walking downstairs, I noticed Nagarjun was walking in the opposite direction. I found it strange, but he was aware that there was some reason. Aarti was taking place in the last temple, where all deities were placed. I stood outside in the compound. It was a wonderful scene. It was twilight, drumbeats accompanying Aarti and big lamps. The whole atmosphere was highly charged. I saw Nagarjun was standing mesmerized and I could sense his happiness. For the first time, he came up to me, overwhelmed with emotions. He thanked me for bringing him to Sai. He was almost crying. He put his hand on my head and blessed. I was happy this time not for him but myself. I didn't I pray to Sai to bless by placing his hand on my head in human form. The only wish, I made before setting out on my journey. So here I got that in Shibpur in Baba's presence.

Baba's Sweet Message To Us
After Aarti, Sujoy and others asked us to wait in the visitor’s room to take Prasad and they also handed us visitor’s book to write our experiences. I promised them to write my feelings in detail instead of writing there. Nagarjun felt same. It was impossible to write anything on that spot after what we experienced. Sujoy brought two quarter plates full of sweets along with a samosa. I don’t eat sweets, but I looked at the quantity of the Prasad in wonder, full quarter plate with sweets. Nagarjun prompted me to finish it soon and something else was going on in my mind. I finished them with great difficulty. The samosa was tasty too, very different from what I tasted it at my place. The Rasgulla, it was yummy.

We took leave from them, but they kept on insisting us to wait till night Aarti. We wanted to stay till night, but the warnings of the local people made us to rush back. While driving back, we both were so happy, an inexplicable feeling. I shared with him the thoughts that were running in my mind while eating that plate full of sweets. Honestly, I never ate so many sweets in one go ever in my life. I felt as if Baba said, “You fools give up all your negativity and imbibe this sweetness inside you. Didn’t you doubt my existence and cursed my people all the way? So now give up those negative thoughts and be positive. I will fill you up with sweetness, leaving no space for bitterness. Be sweet to all henceforth”. Nagarjun agreed and we had a hearty laugh over Baba's sweet message to cynical fools like us.

More Wonders For Me
Baba revealed himself to me through my Guru Nagarjun. I learnt this when he shared his experiences while driving back. I was filled with awe and wonder when Nagarjun said that he felt a cool breeze touching his arms all the time, when I was offering “chawar sewa” to Sai. This was simply unbelievable. He further said that I closed my eyes in deep meditation and clearly saw some blessings going to you from Baba at the moment you were offering Him sewa. I don’t know how to elaborate my feelings on this. But apparently it was an indication from Sai that my service reached Him and He paid me back in form of blessings. Nagarjun was the medium to see and feel my Sai. Obviously I was medium to reach HIM. I was sure that now I got my Guru. I was seeking since so long.

He further told me that Sai had blessed him with more powers which he could sense. He said that while walking downstairs, he saw Sai clearing the path for him and therefore he walked back to hold Him from doing that. What a blessed experience, simply incredible. How could I witness this form of Sai if Nagarjun was not with me? Can we normal human beings ever think of such grace of Almighty? He does it, but we can’t see therefore blame Him. I thanked Almighty my Sai again and again for revealing His benevolent form to me through Nagarjun.

Unbelievable Example Of Soul Connectivity
This was not all. When we were having our dinner, Nagarjun got a SMS from Anju Sharma, the healer I introduced to you all in the beginning. She wrote - Thanks, lot of energy and blessings are coming from Sai. Some door has opened. She also described certain things she saw in the vision while meditating. I was again dumbfounded. I asked him how she knew about this when we have not informed her about this. He smiled and told this is what soul connectivity is. Connected souls can sense things. I again wanted clarification as how energy and blessings went to her when we did not pray for her. He explained that when Almighty blesses a human being, the blessings go to all those connected to him. Strange isn't it. At least for me, it was a great revelation.

Sai Fullfilled Two More Wishes After Tormenting Me For 2 Hours(9th Feb,2012)
While having our dinner after Baba's Darshan, I asked Nagarjun don’t you feel that still something is left, a strange feeling. He agreed. I wanted to stay back on 9th Feb, Thursday, Baba's day and His favorite number. We were with Him in His area, but we won’t able to visit Him. Some gloom descended upon me. But I had no choice. My seat was reserved and I had to catch my train before 11.45 AM on 9th Feb. It takes approx 5 hours from Shibpur to Kolkata. So we decided to leave for Kolkata in the morning at 5.30 AM. We had 6 and half hours at our disposal, which was more than enough.

Strange thing happened on the way. There was a heavy traffic jam right from the point we started. It was unbelievable; we could not reach 30 kms in 2 and half hours. I was tense. After 3 hours, we could only reach Krishnanagar (30 kms from Shibpur). We halted at a dhaba to have tea. There was no space to move ahead. All vehicles stuck in the jam. I told Nagarjun now it was impossible to catch the train. Crossing barrackpore around 10 am was another tough task. He gave me hope, not to worry we could work out some alternative. I knew it was impossible, decided in my heart not to worry and go back to Shibpur to seek something that my heartfelt was left behind. While having tea, I told him some incidents from Sai Satcharitra, where Baba held back devotees at Shirdi and they could leave the place only when He permitted. Nobody could leave Shirdi till Baba gave permission. This is a known fact. I told him that Baba doesn’t want His ardent devotees to leave with unfulfilled desires. However, I was hesitant to suggest going back to Shibpur. He would call me an idiot. I thought and kept quiet.

Nagarjun asked the driver, what to do now. He said sir now I can’t assure you anything. Nagarjun looked at me for a moment and smiled. Let's go back to Shibpur. I was so glad. He spelled out my wish. We laughed a lot and asked the driver to take the reverse direction. Tears came into my eyes and I cried like a child. There was another challenge staring us. How to reach our destinations? He wanted to go to Delhi and me Visakhapatnam. Both are in different directions. Somehow I was assured, confident that Baba would find a way. I was not worried anymore after witnessing this miracle of Sai.

We decided to visit Mayapur Navdeep Temple of ISCKON, a wonderful place, where you can experience divine blessings of Lord Krishna. Sai gave us a wonderful opportunity to witness Madhyan Aarti at Shibpur. Nagarjun took me to main temple and asked me to close eyes and meditate. He sat beside me. After few moments, he touched the point between the eyebrows for few seconds and asked to continue. After few moments, there was peace. Mind was free. I saw some light rays filtering from a dark background for few minutes. I opened my eyes. Nagarjun was sitting besides facing me. He asked what you saw. I narrated my experience. He said, yes, light came to you. But I put my hand between you and Sai. That's why you saw filtered rays. Now you can meditate freely. This was another valuable gift from Sai.

We came out of the temple and the Temple people offered us Madhyan Prashad - Rice with potato curry, tomato chutney, badi and dal. I was eating calmly. Nagarjun looked at me and smiled. Another wish is fulfilled. I said yes. I took a vow in last February not to eat rice (my favorite) till this February and to break this vow only after visiting Shirdi. Sai knew about it and made a wonderful arrangement- I gave up my vow by taking rice as Sai's Prasad on 9th, which happened to be a Thursday and in His miraculous temple.

Finally Nagarjun sought their permission to leave and they gladly agreed. He said, now I took formal permission from Sai and His people. He won’t stop us now. Now nothing is left behind. Yeah, yeah, I agreed. We were filled.

Now main issue was to get some reservation to reach home. We tried in Krishnanagar and nothing was available. Nagarjun contacted some local people, who also gave no hope, but assured to try. I was tense. He told me not to worry and closed his eyes. Again Sai appeared in his vision and handed over two tickets, one for him and one for me. He smiled and said see Sai is with us. Within few minutes, he got a phone call, our tickets were confirmed.

As we got close to reaching Kolkata, I was again in tears. I was crying quietly looking towards window. Nagarjun sensed the pain and again assured don’t cry. Sai is with us in this car. I cried out loudly. No Baba, I am feeling as if I left my father's home. Such was the feeling of leaving Shibpur.

As told by Sai Devotee Sreenidhi –
On Saturday morning at 6AM we reached Kolkata railway station. Booked the AC chair tickets for Hazarduari Express train which is at 6.50AM. Reached Bethuadahari station at 9.30AM. There are two platforms in Bethuadahari station. We got down at platform 1 and came out of station to catch the bus to Shibpur. But when we came to know that for Shibpur buses we need to go to platform 2 and from there out of railway station (i.e., behind platform 2) and there we will have buses or jeep for Shibpur. Actually I thought of taking dress to Sai Baba from Hyderabad. But due to lack of time I couldn’t buy. In Bethuadahari there are many shops near railway station. We went into a shop and asked for material to show. They Said either orange or white color only they will use for Baba. I was not satisfied with that option but I don’t have any other option also so I thought of taking orange color. There are 2 types in that, cotton and synthetic. I want to buy cotton because it was very hot there. But my friend suggested buying synthetic. Again dissatisfied with the option, I asked them to give 7 meters (4 meter for Bade Baba and 3 meter for Shibpur Baba) of synthetic cloth. Fortunately, They have only 5 meters of synthetic cloth. So I asked them to give 4 meter of synthetic and 3 meter of cotton. Ah, finally I bought dress for Baba and that too cotton. We also bought guava fruits and thought of buying apples but couldn’t understand the amount which they Said in Bengali. Now to catch the bus to Shibpur we again went inside railway station platform 2 and from there went out. Just behind the railway station there is a big open place where busses and jeep will be available for Shibpur. We reached there at 10.35AM. Unlucky we missed the 10.30AM jeep so we have waited till 11.30AM for next jeep or trekker Lorry. It was fully crowded. Oh my god! Not expected that much crowd in a jeep. But then that was a another new experience. Mean while I was in contact with Amitji and he was guiding us. He told us that we may miss Madhyana Aarti. We got down in Shibpur at 12.30AM and Amitji was waiting for us. From there he took us to Temple which is 2 minutes walk. Generally the temple gets closed at 12.30AM but Amitji kept it open for 5 more minutes for us. We immediately went inside the temple and took Baba (Bade Baba) darshan and came out. Baba was looking very pleasant. Then they closed the temple. Thanks to Amitji for putting temple open for 5mins. By seeing Baba I was very much satisfied.

Ahhhh, what a peaceful place. And greenery where ever u see. Beautiful location. I loved it so much. Amitji showed us the Gurusthan and Neem tree with Baba’s idol under neem tree. It was lovely. Then we sat in visitors room and chitchatted with Amitji for some time. Amitji explained us about the temple and its history and the people who donated for the construction of temple. Then Amitji Said “come now I will show u the actual Shibpur temple and Baba here. Go and have your own experience”. As soon as we entered the temple we can feel the presence of Baba there. We forgot the rest of the world. Amitji made us sit infront of Baba and Said see Baba with full concentration and he went out. I was looking at Baba but I felt that Baba is not looking at me and he has turned his face(matlab Baba mujhse moo mode kar baithe hai). I don’t know why but I felt like crying. And I am telling to Baba “Baba please look at me and please do not turn your face the other side and please forgive me for my sins (Baba please Baba meri taraf aap dekho na Baba. Mujhse moo mode kar maat baitho na. Please mujhe maaf kardo Baba)”. Then I started crying. My friend who is beside me tried to console me. Really, Baba is there and I can feel his presence. Then Amitji came and asked us to come out. I thought of touching Baba’s feet. Generally, where ever I see Baba I touch his feet but this time I don’t know why I suddenly asked Amitji whether I can touch his feet or not. And Amit Said “No don’t touch now. Baba is not in a good mood now. I will tell you when he is in good mood. If you touch now he will get angry”. I think that’s the reason Baba made me to ask Amitji whether I can touch his feet or not. We came out of the temple. I thought “hmmm, only 10 minutes I got to see Baba but I want to talk to him so much. I think in the evening I will get that chance”.

Amitji introduced us to the people over there. There,all are so nice and very kind hearted. In the morning they do Dhuni room construction and farm work and in the time of Aarti they will dress up very neatly like pujari and perform Aarti. There Aarti is very different. They treat Baba as Sri Krishna. So they perform Aarti also in a similar way. Amitji sister, aunt and others all are very sweet. We sat in the office room and discussed with Amitji regarding my brother’s health issue and my cousin problem. I explained Amitji the brain problem of my brother then he told that “If parents do any thing wrong then their children has to suffer”. I asked him how this will be possible. Baba always says that “you have to face your own karmas. Then why is this”. Amitji explained us that “If u get punishment u will suffer but if your child gets punished you will suffer more”. We discussed on this for some time. After that I told him about my cousin who has no children. She gets conceived but in 2nd month it will be aborted with no reason and doctors also couldn’t identify the issue of abortion. I think nearly 7 or 8 times this happened and she always suffers a lot during that time. Meanwhile lunch was ready and they very kindly offered us. It was very very tasty. Thanks to Amitji’s aunt who cooked so tasty and Amitji’s sister and others who served us. They are so kind and taken care of us so much. I whole heartedly thank all the people over there.

After lunch we went to Probhat ji house and took rest there. Their daughter Pooja (I think 5yrs old) is very active and intelligent. I played with her all funny games. In the evening around 5PM I went to bade Baba temple and Aarti started around 6.30PM. I asked my friend to take video of Aarti. At that time I remembered about the experience some one had about the Aarti video. They took video of Aarti with out Baba’s permission and they noticed that the video didn’t come properly. Later they took Baba’s permission and took video. This time with our lord Sai’s grace the video was fine. Fool I am, One side this thought is crossing my mind but still I didn’t ralize to take Baba’s permission for video. I just asked Amitji’s sister whether we can take video or not. And she agreed. My friend took video and in digital camera it plays fine. Then I thought “Now I have the Aarti video and I will send this to all.” Frist, they started Aarti in Bade Baba temple later they will continue it in Shibpur temple till 8PM around. Again at 9PM they will start Aarti in bade Baba temple. After completing Aarti in bade Baba temple we took Baba’s blessings and from there we came out did pradkhshina around Gurusthan and from there to the place where 100yrs ago Ramdasji used to worship Baba and from there to Shibpur temple. Shibpur temple is very small. People already occupied before I entered the temple. So I was going back to take my seat but they called me and offered me a seat infront. I was so happy that I was included in Aarti and Bhajan. I was enjoying each and every second of Aarti. Around at 8.15PM the Aarti is completed and we took Baba blessings and came out. Later we sat in Shibpur office and started chitchatting with Amitji. Amitji showed us all the photographs of temple construction and all other activities happened in Shibpur. I was very enthusiastic to see all those things. How beautifully Amitji has captured all the memories.

Later Amitji also told us that while Aarti was going on in Bade Baba temple he did pooja in Shibpur temple and while Aarti was going on in Shibpur temple he did pooja in bade Baba temple. At that time he told us that after the dream in 1999 Baba has never come in his dream again. But Baba told Amitji that “There is a place out of this world where all the great Saints or fakirs or fathers will be there (I think the place where the enlightened soul will go) and when ever you want to go over there you can go”. So Baba has given a divine power to Amitji to go to that place. Then Amitji explained me that while he wants to go there he will get vibrations in him and the power he feels. There he will come across Saints and if he has some questions he will ask them. Few will answer and few will just give a pleasant smile. Amitji also that he can stay there for only few seconds. At that time only he told me that the feel and the vibration or power he gets and the place where he goes he want to explain it to all and post it on the net but he is unable to do that as he is not able to express it in words. He Said “The vibration which I get I know but how do I put them in words its something more than it but I want to let this know to people”.

Then he told me about my cousin why is she getting aborted all the time she get conceived. He told that he went to that place where all Saints will be there (Baba has blessed him with this power). And there he met a fakir and asked about my cousin. The fakir told that my Jiju (cousin’s husband) has donated some amount but didn’t look after it whether it has been properly used or not. And that amount is used for some bad purpose. So the fakir is very angry with my jiju. Amitji explained us that if we donate money to any one, its our responsibility to make sure that the amount is used for good purpose. If it is used for bad purpose we will be held responsibility for that because if we didn’t give that money they would not have done that bad thing. So it’s a lesson for all that if we donate money make sure that it is properly used. After that Amitji Said “Lets go to Baba now. He is in a very good mood.”

We went in to the shibpur temple and sat infront of the Baba. Amitji switched of the power and swithched on the lantern (candle which is covered with glass). It’s dark over there and from the light of lantern we can see beautiful Baba sitting there in the form of clay idol. Amitji told us that when Baba was in mortal coil he used to go to people houses and sit there in the light of the Lanthren and used to talk to them. Amit asked us to look at Baba with full concentration and he went out of the temple. Me, my friend and Baba was there. I again had the same feeling that Baba is not looking at me and turned his face. I was looking constantly at him with full devotion and praying him to forgive my sins. I was continuously asking him to look at me and let me spend my entire life in his seva. And asking him to provide some place near his charan (feet). At that moment i forgot the whole world. I don’t remember any thing. My full concentration was only on Baba. I can feel that Baba is around and I can also feel his presence there. (Mein Baba se keh rahi hoon ki Baba please Baba mere taraf dekho na. Mujhse moo mood kar naa baitoh. Meri jindagi aap ke seva mein guzaar ne do.) Then suddenly I felt some vibrations in me. Before I realize any thing, i was out of my control. And I couldn’t tolerate the power of vibrations in me and I suddenly fell back with eyes closed. As soon as I fell back I came to realize that I have fallen but I have no energy in me to get up by myself and I was thinking that I had fallen because of vertigo and how can suddenly I fell. No, am just acting. This I did purposely. In this way I was thinking but no strength to get up. Meanwhile my friend was tensed and trying to wake me up. I was able to hear my friend’s voice but can’t get up. After few seconds I forcibly got up. My friend was asking me “what happened? R u alright?” I didn’t bother to answer those questions and signaled to not disturb me. My friend kept quiet and thought that I became bit emotional and so I fell down. Then again I was looking at Baba and with in seconds I again felt the more powerful vibrations in me. I tried to control myself but couldn’t and this time I fell back with full force as if I got a very high voltage electric shock. Again as soon as I fell back I came to senses but can’t get up myself. This time my friend got very scared by seeing me. My friend went out immediately and called Amitji. As I was in my senses I can hear every thing what’s going on but no strength to get up. By hearing that my friend is calling every one I thought “No, don’t disturb me. Leave me like this for sometime”. But as others don’t know what’s going on in my mind Amitji came in with glass of water and poured it on me. Amitji was trying to wake me up. After few seconds I got strength to get up. I opened my eyes and got up. And all this things happened in a matter of few seconds. Amitji immediately took me out of the temple and made me sit in Shibpur temple office. I was still shivering. Amitji asked my friend to stay with Baba for some more time. Me, Amitji and others were sitting in the office. Amitji Said “Treat me as your brother and you can share with me what you have experienced inside the temple and what Baba showed you (Apna bhai samjho mujhe aur batao ki tumne aisa kya dekha hai. Baba ne aisa kya bataya hai aapko)”. I explained him every thing. Then he told me that “Yahi vibrations mein bhi feel karta hoon (I also experienced the same vibrations)”.

Remember, before I went into temple Amitji was explaining me that he will go to some divine place and will feel vibrations in him and he want to express this feeling with people but couldn’t.

Amitji told me that “Tumhe bhi yahi huva hai lekin tum inhe samhal nahi payi ho isi liye gir gayi ho. Mein bhi gir jata hoon lekin mein kuch teka leke baitha hoon taaki mein gir na paoon (U also got the same vibrations as how I will get but u couldn’t tolerate its power so you have fallen. . I will take the support and will sit so that I may not fall”. I was wonder stuck. I have no words to express. Then Amitji told “Mein duniya ko apne experience ke bare mein batana chahta tha lekin mein isko kaise likhoon aur kaise express karo apni feeling ko. Aur aaj Baba ne aapko bhi yeh experience karva diya aur ab aap jante hai ki mein kya aur kaise feel karta hoon. Toh aap ye loogo ko batana (I want to share my feelings with people and want to make people know how I feel but I can’t express them in writing so I didn’t tell this to any one. But now as you have also experienced the same you can put it in writing and post in the net and can also tell the people).”

Ah!!! Here i got a doubt and asked Amitji like this “If I fell back with the power of vibrations then how can I was in my senses after falling and I could hear every thing around me. I know that my friend was calling you and you came and so on”. Meanwhile my friend came out of the temple and joined us in the office. Amitji replied me saying “I think if you would have tolerated those vibration for more some time you’r soul would have gone to Baba but as u couldn’t you fell and as soon as u have fallen, Baba has left you’r soul. so you came to senses. This all would have happened in very few seconds.” Ohhhhhh!!! Nothing to say.

I told Amitji that “I was not in a mood to get up from that position but as every one came inside and trying to wake me, I got up.” Amitji Said “even I don’t want to disturb u but as your friend came out and told us. I came in. Not sure what would have happened if we wouldn’t have disturbed you.” Then Amitji asked how my friend experienced. My friend told that it was pretty normal but felt much peace and couldn’t concentrate after seeing me like that. Meanwhile some one was trying to lock the temple. I suddenly told to Amitji “No, don’t lock it. Baba is calling me. Yes Baba is calling me.” Amitji Said “Ok fine. Go and talk to Baba but be in control and let some one sit behind you so that they can hold you if you fell again.” I was not in a mood to listen all those things. I ran to the temple and there I noticed that some one was sitting in the back so that they can hold me if I fell. Later I went inside and again sat in front of Baba and I forgot every thing. I don’t even remember that some one was sitting behind me. I started looking at Baba and again the same feeling that Baba was not looking at me. I was praying to Baba to forgive me and to look at me. I was continuously praying this. Then I felt like Baba is crying and he is crying. If we look at Baba with full concentration we can tell his emotions. In the same way I saw as if he is crying. As am constantly looking at Baba murti I saw when Baba was crying at one point he had tightly closed his eyes and for a second he looked at me. In a shock when I looked at him more clearly he was normal. Even now that particular second is in front of my eyes. I can never forget that moment. After that the murti was looking in a black color and for a second I saw Durga maata. I saw her in a total black color but I can identify her by looking at the glory of her face. One can’t have that glow other than durga maata. After that I saw like Baba’s face was becoming black as if it’s burnt. I felt like Baba was trying to tell me some thing. But I couldn’t understand. I was asking him “Aap kya kehna chahte hai mein samajh nahi paari Baba (I am not able to understand what you are trying to say Baba).” I was seeing normal Baba for few seconds, then for few seconds as if he is crying, then durga maata, then dark spots on Baba’s face. This happened for some time. Later I Said “Ok Baba. As am not able to understand you I will close my eyes and you tell me.” When I closed my eyes I felt more power in that temple. I felt as if Baba is sitting in front of me and that too very near. I thought if I kept my eyes closed for some more time I will see some one here but I don’t know why I didn’t dare to face it and I opened my eyes. After that again I was seeing different emotions of Baba as mentioned above. Until then I forgot the whole world, then my friend from outside was talking loudly which disturbed me. Then I thought “No No No. This is my hallucination. If you look continuously to any object you will observe different changes in that object.” Once this thought crossed my mind, to my surprise this time though I saw Baba for long time. He is normal. I mean no changes in his face. Until then I felt that some power is there in that murti means Baba is sitting there. After this thought the murty was looking normal to me and I felt like Baba was telling me to turn my face slightly where all his posters are placed. Beside the murthy there are many photos of Baba. Among them there is one photo of Baba where he is sitting on a stone with right leg on left and wearing a white color dress. Then I felt like the power which I felt in the murty is now in that photo and Baba is straightly looking at me and telling that “See now I am looking at you. Do you still think that its hallucination.” And I could see there only this photo and rest all background is black and in this photo Baba is in white color dress. So felt like the photo is zoomed. Then suddenly Baba Said “ok now see here. Am here.” And I turned to my left and saw there was a medium size calendar with Baba photo. Again the power which I felt initially in the murty and then in the other photo, was felt again one more time in this calendar photo also. Its like now Baba is there. After that, Baba Said “Ok now turn back. Amitji is also there.” And when I turned back, to my surprise Amitji was there. I truthfully don’t know that Amitji was there because when I sat in temple there was another person and Amitji was talking to my friend. Later I have no idea who is coming and going. I was totally unaware of this. So I was in a shock looking at Amitji. Amitji asked me what happened. I pointed my hand to the calendar photo of Baba and Said Baba is here. Then Amitji told, yes Baba is every where. With this I came to normal sense. Amitji asked “Baba se baatein karli. Ab chale Baba ab sojayenge (spoke to Baba? Now lets go. Its time for Baba to sleep).” We bowed to Baba and came out from the temple and it was around 10.30PM. By this time the dinner was ready. And Amitji asked us to have dinner first and will talk in meanwhile. Lunch was so tasty that I ate fully and in the evening again they gave Prasad to us. So I was not hungry but I could not object them. So we started our dinner and meanwhile I explained every thing to Amitji what I saw in the temple.

After listening to me Amitji told that “Baba has cried for you. And Baba was trying to tell you some thing but didn’t tell you because you lack few things like Strength and Stability of mind. That’s why you saw Durga maata because goddess represents shakti, power, strength. And as your telling you saw in black color she might be kaali maata. You don’t have a stability of mind and you have never done any thing for Baba. Till now what ever u did is only for u. just think once what did u do for Baba. When you will overcome these things u will be able to understand what Baba is trying to tell u.”

Ahhhhhhh!!!!!! I don’t have any thing to say and its absolutely true that my mind is not stable and I have not done any thing for others or Baba. After our dinner they offered sweet (Rasgula) to us. I told Amitji that I won’t eat sweet. Amitji asked me the reason. I Said “Mein ne Baba se kaha hai ki jab tak aap ka darshan nahi hoga mein sweet nahi khaoongi (I won’t eat sweets till I get u’r darshan Baba).” Generally, I am very fond of sweets . Amitji told “Ab tumhe Baba ka darshan ho gaya na (Now u had Baba darshan)”. True. I had Baba blissful darshan. So I ate sweet. They didn’t offer us sweet in the lunch but in the dinner they do. I think this is also our sweet Baba’s leela. After his darshan he has given me sweet.

I was so happy. My joy knew no bounds. Probhat ji took us to his house and we rested there. I couldn’t sleep for long time. I was continuously thinking about this. I was still in that blissful state. And I had a dream about Baba (but I don’t remember any thing).

Next day at 4.30AM i woke up and Probhat ji’s wife took me to temple. We sat there looking at Baba in bade Baba temple. Prepartions were going on for Morning Aarti. Aarti started around 5AM and went on nearly to 45minutes. After that we went to Shibpur temple and took Baba’s darshan. I asked them whether I can sit with Baba (Shibpur temple) for some time. They Said “yeah sure. Why not?” I was so happy and I sat in front of Baba. How sweet Baba is. On Saturday when I looked at Baba I felt like he is crying or I am crying. But on sunday Baba was happy. He was smiling at me. It was like after Saturday night incident he accepted me. And I had lot of relief and felt like Baba has taken all my pain and sorrows from me. I had peace.

Actually, I want to talk to Baba for long time with out any disturbance and on Saturday I didn’t get that chance. So I was bit depressed that I couldn’t talk to Baba and I have taken many prayers with me and I didn’t get a chance to tell all the prayers to Baba. But on Sunday after Aarti I sat in temple for nearly to 3 hours and I spoke to Baba and prayed for every one and expressed all my feelings to Baba. I never thought that I will get this chance but Baba has fulfilled my wish. I was there with Baba for such a long time till my heart’s desire satisfied.

It was 9AM in the morning. I went back to Probhat ji house and played with their kid for some time and they offered food to us. After that we thought of leaving to Kolkata and were waiting for Amitji. Then again I went to Shibpur temple and sat with Baba. I asked my friend also to come. But my friend was not coming and saluting to Baba from outside the temple. Then i Said to Baba that “If u had blessed my friend let my friend also come inside.” Surprise!!!!!!! My friend, who was not at all ready to come inside, came in and bowed to Baba and went out again. I was so happy that Baba’s blessings are with my friend.

At 11AM, Amitji came and we chitchatted for some time. At 12PM, we thought of leaving and catch the 3PM train in Krishna Nagar to Kolkata. We Said bye to all and thanked them. Meanwhile we took few photos with them. Amitji invited us to his house in Krishna nagar. At 3PM we reached Krishna nagar and Amitji received us there and took us to his house. We met his family members. And Amitji’s house is fully decorated with Baba’s pictures. Where ever u see u will find Baba there. Amitji gave UDI to us for my brother. Meanwhile Amitji’s wife offered us sweets and I ate all of them. Remember I told Baba that I won’t eat sweet until I have u’r darshan and now Baba has given me his darshan and filled me with full of sweets . It was already 3.40PM and we have another train at 4PM. So we left to railway station and catched the train there.

Ahhhhh!! We hardly stayed in Amitji house for 10minutes but before leaving to Kolkata, Baba had filled my mouth with full of sweets.I whole heartedly thank Amitji and his family, Probhat ji and his family, Amitji sister Sumana and her family and all the people there. There are few old people and they showed so much love to us. I can never forget these memories. Amitji thank u so much because of you I got Baba darshan. And I specially thank Soumya ji who has encouraged me to go to Shibpur and because of whom I got to know about Shibpur temple.

And I thank my friend for coming with me and other friends and family members for their support. When I asked my mom that I will go to Shibpur she agreed with out thinking any thing. My whole hearted thanks to her or else I wouldn’t have gone to Shibpur.And finally, I bow to sri Sai Baba and thank him for giving me his blissful darshan. What ever I have now is only because of Baba. Thank you very much Baba for every thing.

After our return, when I was downloading all the photos and videos taken in Shibpur through my digital camera to my surprise all the photos and videos are working other than Aarti video. I tried to open it in different players but am failed. When I play it in digital camera its working but in computer it’s not working. Remember, I mentioned above that I forgot to take Baba’s permission for taking video of Aarti.

Now I realize, with out Baba’s permission, you can’t do any thing. He is the creator, protector and destroyer.

As told by Devotee Natasha –
My desire to visit Shibpur first sprouted when I read the wonderful blog written by Sai devotee Sowmya Hebbarji and then the upon seeing a picture of the life-like fiber glass statue of Shibpur SaiBaba I was convinced that somehow Baba will fulfill my earnest desire to see him at Shibpur. After a lot of planning and coaxing, my father along with a dear friend, a Sai devotee and trustee of a Sai Temple in Hyderabad, agreed to join me. On October 27th, 2010 we all met up at the Shamshabad airport to board our Kingfisher flight to Kolkatta. Upon entering the plane and looking for dad and my seat I realized that we had been upgraded to business-class. I could not believe my eyes and checked again with the flight stewardess. The best guess seemed to be that the flight was oversold and hence dad and I were moved to business-class. My surprise knew no bounds. The first thought that hit me was Baba decided to fly us in real style. Unfortunately, my friend did not get upgraded and since he was kind enough to accompany me all the way to Shibpur leaving his business, I gladly offered him the seat. Within two hours we landed at the Kolkatta airport and met up with the car Amitji had arranged for us.

After about four to five hours we arrived at Shibpur. We were welcomed by Amitji’s cousin and made to sit in a lovely circular room made of Bamboo and a thatched roof. Water was served and after a few minutes Amitji arrived and introduced himself. I was very excited to meet him. Having spoken to him for so many months over the phone, a face-to-face meeting was a welcome change. We trio were introduced to board members which included Samity secretary Probhat Jodhar, the president and other trustees. Then, a gentleman was called- he was considered about 80% handicapped- Amitji told us that the room we were sitting in was built by the efforts of this gentleman. Having sat there for just a few moments, I began to feel a wonderful tranquility of some sort. My mind was getting calmer by the minute. But all the while my eyes were focused on the little thatched room where the Shibpur Statue was kept. Then we were offered some lunch of Pooris, Potato Sabji, Date chutney, Daal Tarka, rice and not to forget a plate full of Bengali sweets. After a sumptuous meal we were talking about the temple finances, and the current state of affairs and next steps. All the while I was thinking “Let’s talk all this later now I want to see Baba.” Just then Amitji Said that Baba will see us only at 5:00 pm. I tired real hard to convince him that I could not wait so long but none of that worked so, I Said alright Saburi it is. I had carried with me four dresses for Baba – three for the small statue– red stain with a golden border, blue satin with a silver and blue border and turmeric yellow with a hunter green border and for the large marble statue a lovely rust bordered satin cloth. I handed those over to Amitji.

It was always my desire to feed Baba guvar-ki-Sabji. I have a particular dish that I make using a masala I pick from the Indian store in the USA. As funny as this seems, I actually carried a bottle of this masala with me to India so that I could make my guvar for Baba. I had made the guvar and some bagara rice packed and froze it a few hours before I left home. I handed these over to Amitji’s wife Piyali (a wonderful person and a noble soul) and asked her to offer it to Baba if it was still in mint condition else to get rid of it. She took the containers away and promised to offer it up at Baba’s dinner time. My travel companions swore it was really ridiculous to carry food but I heard Baba was in Shibpur and I had to take my offering.

Finally, it was nearly 5 pm and we were waiting in the Samity office. After tea and some Marie biscuits Amitji Said we could enter the small temple where the Shibpur Sai fiber glass statue was placed. Excited me waited not a second longer and charged to the temple like a bull that has been shown a red cloth. I closed my eyes while entering the temple and once I estimated I was before Baba with great expectation I opened them. Lo and behold! The statue on the throne was dressed in the red dress that I had given Amitji earlier in the afternoon. For a second, it looked like he was smiling saying “You have finally come”. A smile spanning my entire face was an expression of the immeasurable happiness. A feeling of my love being accepted by my guru just added the icing on the moment. My mom and I had lovingly picked each color and coordinated it appropriately and driven really far to give it to the right tailor. Never in my wildest dream had I thought of such immediate acceptance. Amitji then entered and Said Baba wanted to wear the red dress so he dressed him up accordingly.

Speechless, I just sat on the floor in front of Baba and so did my father and friend. We were left alone. In a few minutes I began to feel really uncomfortable and thought of leaving the room. It was like this little voice telling me to leave. But not wanting to offend anyone I just moved towards the tail end of the room. Then Amitji returned to the temple and told us of his own accord that sometimes people visiting Baba in the temple felt really uncomfortable and just leave. Even the pujari feels this some times and then the puja is completed by someone else. It was an answer to the feelings I was feeling. Amitji also added that it was Baba’s call and that’s why all three of us were there. He Said if Baba does not want to see you he won’t and as an example there was once a couple who came from a far at this time Amitji was in Calcutta. They just visited Bade Baba in the main temple and did not even go to the little thatched room where the Shibpur statue is kept. The villagers pleaded with them but they just left. Imagine coming all that way but not seeing the real wonder. It is just like visiting Agra but not seeing the TajMahal.

We were then asked to step out so that arrangements could be made for the Aarti. When we stepped out of the temple we were surprised to see that it looked like the Dhuni was ready to be inaugurated. I was really happy to be part of the inauguration and was standing there waiting for some great personality to arrive to cut the ribbon. Just then Amitji comes to me and says “I told you I had a surprise for you. Now come pick this scissor and cut the ribbon- Inaugurate the Dhuni” I looked at him as-if he was high on something. He then realized I did not understand he was serious and told me that he meant what he Said and put the scissor in my hand. My dad and friend were surprised too but they gave me a nod to go-ahead. So amongst the band, sounds of conches (shanks) and singing I took Baba’s name and cut the ribbon. Then my friend was asked to break the coconut and I was the first to enter the Dhuni room and bowed at Baba’s lovely portrait. A photographer was all the while capturing these wonderful moments I will treasure for life. I was actually still dazed and not sure what was happening. Given the allergies, bad cold and fever, I thought I must be imagining all this due to the heavy medication. In fact all this was very much happening. I could not believe the honor my deva had bestowed on me. I could almost sit at that very spot and cry so emotional was I. I am a very ordinary person - not a star, not a politician nor a bureaucrat – Why me? Later my dad told me that when I was in the restroom in the afternoon, Amitji had told dad and my buddy that the entire village of Shibpur was waiting for my arrival. Baba had told Amitji that he will send his devotee across the seven seas to inaugurate his Dhuni in Shibpur.I am not sure how Amitji zeroed in on me. It has been a few days now but I still do not feel worthy of this honor. Baba is far too kind to us. Right now work is on to bring the fire from Dhuni in Shirdi to lite the Dhuni in Shibpur.

Then we returned to the small temple and the Aarti commenced. Baba was offered all different types of cut fruits such as Apples, Bananas, cherries etc. and beside that was a plate with the guvar sabji and Bagara rice. Again my joy knew no bounds. I cannot think of a better day where I have been given so many gifts one after another. The Aarti commenced. I was not sure what to expect but the pujari was dressed in a bright red shirt and red Dhoti. He stood on the left of Baba while someone else stood at the right with a fan (like the one used in a Gurudwara). A crown was placed on Sai’s head and the Gayatri Mantra was recited thrice. When I looked back, the little room was packed and people actually were seated out and participating in the Aarti. I thought to myself this is how the Aarti must have been in Shirdi where it is Said that people actually flowed out in the courtyard of the mosque when Aarti was performed. Then the Gayatri was followed by the Guru Mantra. After this all began singing an Aarti song in Bengali and the pujari was doing the Aarti while dancing left-to right with some really cool moves. My dad lovingly called it “Disco Aarti”. There was so much of Bhakti and passion in this Aarti that we all had never seen before. The sound of Conches and Bengali women shouting “OOOO”, as done in Durga worship, accompanied the Aarti with musical instruments. This is when I realized Baba really lives up to his words “I reside where there is full devotion”. Where else could there be more innocent and pure devotion than those of the villagers of Shibpur?

After the Aarti in the small temple, a procession was taken where we stopped and worshiped the place where Ramdas Biswas used to pray to Baba, then the Gurusthan and then made our way to the newly constructed temple that holds “Bade Baba” a term used by all the villagers to address the marble Shirdi sized statue of Baba gifted by Mr. Ramani. A similar Aarti commenced in the temple with conches, musical instruments and women shouting “OOO”. First a loban Aarti was performed followed by an agarbati Aarti and then a regular Aarti. The atmosphere was so energized and the face of Baba began to glow. It may sound a little weird but I observed the difference in the marble face before Aarti where it did not hold a special glow and during Aarti where the face of the staute literally lit up. This glow was not from a reflection of the Aarti lights since it was there even during the aagarbati Aarti. During all these Aartis Amitji was not present. He had told me he performs his private puja after all the Aartis are completed.

After the Aarti was completed Amitji walked in and began to read the Satcharita in Bengali. At this time, my body was burning with fever and to avoid fainting in the temple, I decided to step out for a bit for some water and air. Amitji’s cousins tended to me. Later my dad told me that as soon as I stepped out everyone seemed very upset and asked if they had made a mistake that unsettled me. My dad explained that I was feeling a little sick and would be back. It was nothing that they did wrong. Then the villagers happily finished the last few minutes of the ceremony. We were all so touched by their gentle love and concern.

Later that evening, Amitji had invited us three to join him in his private puja at the small thatched room where the Shibpur statue is currently kept. During his pooja Amitji keeps just a small kerosene lamp on and all electric lights are turned off. This is when one can see Baba in his true grandeur. The luster on Baba’s face makes it seem that he is alive seated there. Amitji asked me to carefully observe the moods displayed by Baba’s face. What I saw seemed more like an illusion to me at that time. I was staring at Sai’s face all throughout and could actually feel like his eyes were looking all over the room and then came on me for a few seconds. My fear was at its peak and I told myself hold on…don’t faint. Suddenly the eyes went back to their statue state. The deepness within them disappeared. Amitji continued on the side with his pooja. Then suddenly it seemed like Baba was gone. I could not see the face of the statue for a fraction of a second and then it came back. This happened three more times. At this time I was freaking out. Judging by the intellect it seemed like either I have smoked something or must be high on grass neither of which I had consumed – The feeling was exalting- indescribable.

When the pooja was completed, Amitji Said I could spend a few minutes with Baba alone. Finally, I had got my moment. I stared at Baba’s face in the light of the kerosene lamp. It had a lovely glow and seemed like he was very much seated. We began to have a conversation though not aloud- like this little voice from my soul was saying something but the words did not spring from my head. It seemed like he wanted to drive home a point to me. One of unconditional love for the guru, where if something does not go your way- do not blame the guru. All he Said was I want unconditional love from you, not one that is event driven. In my case this was apt. Then I responded by saying “You always say you should be the object of my anger love and everything. Why are you saying this now? I got no response. I then sang my favorite song to him – Das GanuMaharaj’s Reham nazar karo ab maro Sai. The little voice asked to come forward and then press his feet. This was a desire I always held and to this day I press the feet of Baba’s small marble statue I have at home. When I began to press the feet of the statue I could feel some nerves and found the feeling really different. Seemed like there were tendons on the feet of the statue. I pressed away to my heart’s content and then stood up and held his face in my hands. In my soul I could feel my seva was accepted. I smiled and Said in his ear to always be with me and love me like his child.

I resumed my seat and Amitji returned asking me to step out since Baba would eat his dinner. We were severed a lovely dinner and some Prasad from Baba’s meal. Later we retired to our arrangements. My father and friend stayed at Probhatji’s home and I was given Ramdasji’s room in Amitji’s home. His cousin sister would sleep in the room with me since I was a scared to sleep alone. It was almost 1 am, Amitji and I sat outside having a small conversation of the events. It was then that I learnt sometimes people visiting do not see Baba on his seat. It took me a while to realize that some of the incidents I was judging by my intellect. When one has inculcated into himself through education the need for scientific proof, that’s when he does not realize a miracle even if it is in front of his eyes. Such was my case – I was confused. Amitji smiled and Said Baba called you all this way just to confuse you. I responded with a corky smile - he will sort it out by morning.

I woke up at 3:55 am on Thursday morning since I did not want to miss the morning Aarti. After freshening up Amitji and I had tea together at Ramdasji’s home and I headed to the little temple. The Aarti there was almost completed and the handful of villagers headed to Bade Baba. The electricity was cut off at this time and all the ceremonies were conducted in lamps. Then after abhishekam, Bade Baba was made to wear the rust colored dress I offered. It was my desire that Baba should dawn the garment on Thursday and this he sure did. How the Guru knows the desire of his children and fulfills them, this was an example to me- every desire I had was fulfilled from offering guvar to pressing his feet.

The villagers requested through Amitji that I visit their home. So after a few minutes all trustees, Amitji and the three of us began a tour of the village. After walking a few steps and looking around it became clear that the village of Shibpur has never left the 1940’s. The homes were extremely run down and some of them made of straw with thatched roofs. Only three homes in the village were made of cement and none of these belonged to the common man. We urban dwellers looked around in shock. Even in India today there are some areas that time has left behind. The conditions were so poor and downtrodden that my eyes were filled with tears. But despite all the poverty these villagers offered up their best belongings and love for Baba. If they could not afford to pay cash to build the temple they volunteer their time free of charge. Sometimes they share what little they have to feed labor building the temple. This is their humble service. My heart was so touched at the royal welcome we received at each home. One of the homes had put on a new sheet on their wobbly cot to welcome us. One woman villager living in a straw home actually milked her cow and offered us three glasses of milk with so much of love that despite being lactose intolerant I could not decline. Believe me their condition is so bad that every glass of milk would be worth a lot but this humble loving lady did not care for anything just offered us the best she had. This act of “atiti devo bhava” I will never forget. They now require two lakhs to get their daughter married and despite that she offered us her only source of income – Milk.

We visited the home of the pujari, all the trustees and few villagers. Later my dad and I spent a few more minutes with Shibpur Baba alone. Our ride had arrived and before we took leave Amitji’s father told me in English “Do visit again and again and again. Not just Again- We know you will be back. Until then we will wait to see you.” We visited Amitji’s home in Krishnanagar. He served us a delightful meal of Poori, AlooPosto and Mutton curry – all my favorites. Being Thursday, I could not eat meat so his lovely sister packed it for me so that I could eat it on Friday. I spent some time with his family and then after taking a few pictures headed back to the Kolkatta airport.

My trip to Shibpur has highlighted to me that it does not take a lot to be a true bhakthi of Sai. Not wealth, not gold, not offerings - just earnest devotion with body mind and soul. You can read about everyone’s experiences and feel happy but true ecstasy can only come when you visit in person. We all wait to hear about miracles on healing the sick, making the poor wealthy etc., etc. but the biggest miracle to me is to see how Baba has chosen Shibpur and how the temple and faith are growing by the day in one of the most remote areas of the forward India. As Baba’s bhakts our duty is to do good onto the world. This is a perfect chance to make a difference in the lives of those among whom our Deva has decided to reside. On the way to Shibpur my friend Said, “Can’t Baba choose a metro to settle? We have to go all this way to meet him in some remote village.” On our way back, my friend Said he realized why Baba choose Shibpur – Complete Devotion, Heartfelt Simplicity and Unconditional Love.

As told by Sai Devotee Aditya –
Sairam, With Sai's grace i am writting down the experience of my Shibpur Visit. It was on Jan 03 2011 that we decided to go to Shibpur after so many discussions and arguments. So it was me, my wife and my parents planned to visit Shibpur. As soon as we got at the airport we heard that the flight was late by 1hr 30 mins and there it seemed like Baba is taking a test of us on our Saburi.. Hmm testing our patience! Finally the time moment came that we boarded the flight to Kolkata. Well we reached there around 1.30 Pm and Amitji's cousins friend was waiting to pick us up from the Kolkata airport. Then we left for Shibpur from Kolkata airport which was a 4 hour drive. As all of us were tired, we had our lunch near the airport and resumed our journey to Shibpur. Fortuntely i was able to buy some fruits to our Sai. I also had an intention of buying flowers but did not! -make a note of this and will discuss about it further. Then around 6.00pm we reached Shibpur. It was total dark at that time and in that darkness we saw a small campus full of Sai devotees and Amitji eagerly waiting for us. Finally we were there at the Shibpur temple. As soon as i got down from the car Amitji welcomed us and i gave him a tight hug such as we have met after ages and then we entered the mandir campus. Wow! what a vibration i got once i entered the campus... the sight if at the Bade Baba's temple, the white statue of Sai under the neem tree created such vibrations in my heart and mind that it was a heavenly experience. I cannot express that in my words. Anyhow later, Amitji took all of us in a small bambooo structured room which is a special visitors room and we all sat there for a while. Amitji introduced us to the Shibpur temple's president, his secretary and the pujari of the temple and all other associates. Later Amitji asked us how did we feel when we entered the campus of the mandir! I Said i felt a very strong vibration and was not in my senses. He Said if you have come to see Sai and if only Sai wants to see you, we will feel that vibrtation else if you have come here forcefully you will get a negetive vibration!

Then he offered us some tea and we all got fresh for the eveing Aarti of Shibpur Sai. I was requesting Amitji to have a quick darshan of the Shibpur Sai murti but he refused saying that we all will go in at the same time. Then came the moment that we all enterd a small bamboo structured room which has the Shibpur Sai murti in it. This is the statue that we all see now. I must say the ultimate peace is what we get here at Shibpur and the sight of this murti of Sai gives this. Now all the villagers including the pujari got into this room and i with my family were sitting right in front of the Sai murti. Then the Aarti began and this was amazing. The puja performed there is totally different from what is done everywhere else in the world. This kind of pooja as told by Sai himself to Amitji and he explained this to the pujari there who performs this pooja daily in the morning, afternoon and evening. Now, the pooja started and as i Said it was a divine experience. I could see Baba smiling such as he was so much happy to see us there. Then the procession went to the dhuni room and the pujari did Aarti to the datta murti and Sai's murti there in the dhuni room. Then we followed the pujari to the place where Ramdas biswas was performing pooja to Baba 150 years back (its in the same campus) and then we did pradakshinas (rounds) to the gurusthan. Later we all entered the bade Baba's temple.(now the statue here is what was donated by KV. ramani - a great devotee of Baba) Then the pujari performed the pooja at this temple. It is a sight to see all the villagers there with such a devotion and love for Baba and i am sure this is the reason that Baba chose to be there in search of pure devotion and unconditional love for him. I am also very sure that this would be the sight that shirdi had in its early years. I feel blessed to be a part of this now. Now the puja at this temple was done and we were again made to sit in the visitors room and we were given the prasad offerd to Baba. Later Amitji asked us to follow him in the bamboo structure temple where lying is the Shibpur Sai murti.

When we enterd the room this time, it was a totally a differnt experience. All the lights were switched off and only a small lamp was lighted in front of Baba. It is really a wonderful sight to see our Sai in that light. Amitji mentioned that it was only in this kind of light Baba was meeting his devotees in shirdi. Then Amitji started performing his puja there and we all were sitting behind him and he instructed us to look at Baba and tell what we see there. So, we started to look at Baba with full devotion and what i saw after this was totally amazing. I could see that Baba sitting there was heavling breathing as i could see his soulders moving slightly up and down. I could see his eyes moving pointing everywhere in the room and looked like he is looking at all of us. But suddenly i saw his eyes went blank! the next moment i saw a face of a very old man, i am thinking it was Baba and his mouth slightly opened as he wanted to say something and looked very happy to see us there. I did observe this a lot of times. All this was there only for like 5-10 mins. When Amitiji was done with his pooja, he Said "kya aditya ji kya hua" , i was left in tears and i asked Amitji why Baba not looking at me! he Said look at him carefully, i did that again and i could see at him looking at him with love and karuna. Then he picked a rose at Baba's feet and gave to my wife saying "what you wished for is what i am giving you"! then i asked Amitji if i can touch Baba's feet ? he Said " why did't you ask me when you got in the temple? now you cannot touch him, only tomorrow morning Baba will allow you to touch him. Also i will give you a rose to offer it to Baba's feet and Baba already Said that aditya will now bring flowers to offer me and so i will give you a rose to offer it to Sai." - this is what amitji Said. Later amitji asked my parents how did they feel and all of us was so much moved and had a darshan of Sai. yes, it was indeed a darshan of our lord Sai. It was beyond words and expression. Amitji also Said " adityaji bahut pyaara hai Baba ka" and laughed.!In the Shibpur Sai temple there is also a statue of Shri Swami Samarth Maharaj of Akkalkot. This is also a fiber glass statue and is very lively.

Then he took us in his office which is just opposite to the Shibpur Sai temple. We sat there and amitji listed some miracles that happened in the temple. Also showed us many pictures of the temple while it was getting constructed and other seva activities which are carried out there. Later we were offered some food - puri, sabji and some sweets. ! wow it had such an amazing taste .. i must say i had never ever had this kind of food in my life! Then amitji mentioned that Baba likes to eat puri/roti in the night, murmura in the early morning, rice in the afternoon, fruits in the evening. Then after the dinner Amitji had made arrangements for us to sleep in the secretary's house for my parents and ramdas biswasji's house for me and my wife. All i can say is this place looks to me same as the ancient shirdi and Baba is definately at this place now, blessing all his devotees in the world. Also we saw that the flooring in the whole campus was of mud and it was the duty of 4 ladies to mix the mud with water and lay the flooring daily in the morning with their own hands. This shows how much devotion they have towards Baba and in return they need nothing but love from Baba.

Anyway later that night myself Amitji and my wife sat chit chatting in ramdas biswasji's house and discussed many things about the temple and our personal issues. Amitji mentioned that this whole campus of Shibpur temple has a very divine vibration and one can definately experience peace here. The Dhuni room and the statues of Dattaguru and Sai Baba in this room are so much lively that one will never ever want to come back from that place. But beware to visit the temple only in the summer times. Because as we were in the winter season, it was nearly 6/7 deg. celicius there and we were literelly freezing in cold. So was the reason that we could not spend much time in the temple at night to experience the divinity under the neem tree.

Later next morning, around 5.00am we got up for morning Aarti. Unfortunately we missed the Aarti for Shibpur Sai but were present at the bade Baba's temple. Amitji mentioned that the Shibpur Sai murti was bathed only few times a year as Baba nevers wishes to take a daily bath there as he was in shirdi. Where as bade Baba is bather daily in the morning and he likes to wear new clothes dailiy. So, the next morning the pujari there did bath Baba and performed puja. Later we were made to sit in Amitji's office and the pujari brought the murmura prasad from the Shibpur Sai. After having that prasad we discussed few things about the construction of the temple and regarding the donations. As the donations in their past few months have slowed down, the construction work has also slowed down. The place where Ramdas biswas ji was performing his puja is being ronovated partially keeping the old 150year old was intact and extending a portion of it. Amitji mentioned that the Shibpur Sai murti is brought in this place every year for 4 days and there is a utsav/ pooja offered to Baba on these 4 days and for the rest of the year the Shibpur Sai murti is kept in the bamboo structure. The plans are now to extend or enlarge this bamboo structure. Later that morning, as no one was there i asked Amitji is i could take Baba's darshan. He Said OK and i jumped in the Sai's room. I took this opportunity to spend sometime with our Sai and was messaging his feet for a while, what peace i must have got...cant express this in words. Few moments later, i placed and pressed my head on his feet on which his left hand lies. I could suddenly sense that when i press my head onto his feet, his leg was slightly getting pressend inside.!!!

I came out and enquired with Amitji if the murti there moved sometimes if we pressed hard? he Said - no it does not .. its what you have experienced may be !! I was totally lost with what i experienced that day!

Anyway, after these discussions me and my family went for a Shibpur village tour, this was great experience to have a look at this village with a population of 10,000 people. We were also shown the place where the annadan takes place every year. and then after some time we left for Kolkata. via krishnanagar - Amitji's residence. At his residence, we were offerd a very delicious lunch. We met Amitjis wife and his mother who were very happy to see us there and were very much loving.

This is what we experienced in our visit. I must say that Baba is definately residing there and is willing to bless all his children who has pure devotion and total faith in him. All we need is faith and patience. Will post the pics soon.! I personally urge all the Sai devotees to help Amitji and our Sai in this devine venture, which is surely beyond our imagination and thoughts! as we never know what Baba plans!

As told by Sai devotee – Amitas –
I had visited Shibpur on 11th-13th December 2010 and was waiting for certain completions before I posted my experience. But after reading Adityaji’s post, I felt that I should post mine right away and give updates as and when things happen.

So here goes…
After reading many readers’ accounts of their visits to Shibpur, I too got inspired and finally booked my flight tickets to Kolkata for 11th December. I carried three chhaddars for Baba - one from myself, one from my mom and one from the shopkeeper I purchased from. When he came to know the purpose for which I wanted the chhaddars, he not only gave me a discount but also gave a chhaddar of his own for offering.

I didn’t feel like asking Amitji for car arrangement for one person alone, so I contacted him on phone just a day before and got directions to reach Shibpur from Kolkata. After boarding the 6 am flight from Mumbai, I finally reached Shibpur around 2.30 pm. Shibpur is a quiet, unspoilt place far removed from the hustle and bustle of our cities. Amitji along with some others was waiting for me outside the temple compound. Bade Baba could be seen facing the gate. After the customary introductions, I stepped into the compound. The moment I stepped in, I could feel the divine vibes of the place just hit me in the face.

The entire compound has a very charming ambience with its temples & garden. The original fibre statue of Sai Baba is housed in a very charming thatched structure at the rear end of the compound. There is also cement structure to house the ‘Dhuni’ which was to be lit shortly, another thatched cabin which serves as the office and an open round thatched roof structure used as the visitor’s room. The marble temple facing the gate houses the ‘Bade Baba’ marble statue which bears a striking resemblance to the statue in the Samadhi Mandir at Shirdi. I believe Shri K.V.Ramani who donated the statue was told by Baba in a dream to donate a statue exactly like the Shirdi one. Below the Neem tree near Ramdasji’s old Mandir is a slightly smaller statue of Baba. Most of us in the forum must have seen photos of this Murti with the snake coiled around the neck.

There was some construction work going on for a small shrine in a corner of the compound. Amitji Said that it was for Swami Samarth and Shri Datta Murtis which were expected next week on the day of Shri Datta Jayanti. All the people around are very courteous and helpful and went out of their way to make me feel at home. My stay arrangements were made at the home of Shri Probhat Jordarji. His bright and lively 5 year old daughter Pooja was a delight to be with.

I took darshan of Bade Baba almost immediately and handed over all the chhaddars I had brought. However the thatched Shibpur Sai temple was closed and Amitji told me that I could get darshan during evening Aarti. Amitji asked me if wanted my chhaddar to be draped on Baba during my visit. I replied that it was up to him. I had also carried some poster size photos for Amitji – images of Vitthal-Rakhumayi, Swami Samarth and Tulja Bhavani goddess. I was stunned when Amitji Said, ”Aapko Baba ne hi bheja hai. Main yahi photos dhund raha tha jo ki yahan nahi milti”. Strange indeed are the ways of our Sai. The thought came that if he wishes to make me an instrument of his divine will, it is a great blessing. I was served a delicious lunch in the visitor’s room and then taken to Shri Jordarji’s house for some rest. I was received very lovingly by his mother and wife.

The Aarti began in the thatched temple and the group then moved on to the original brick structure in which Ramdas Biswasji prayed 150 years ago, then the Gurusthan and finally the Bade Baba Mandir. The people are so sweet and sincere in their devotion, no wonder Baba has chosen to make his presence felt here in such a special way. And all visitors like us are treated like guests of honour and made to sit right in front for all Aartis. So it was with me and I felt so blessed. After the evening Aarti and Bhog, I got a chance to sit before Baba alone in the thatched hut. The atmosphere seemed so peaceful and divinely charged, the room being lit with only a lantern. I sat there for almost half an hour pouring my heart out to Him. There was a piercing gleam in Baba’s eyes. Occasionally his eyes seemed to be darting across the room, here and there. When I got up to leave, there was an indulgent smile on Baba’s face. I distinctly felt Baba telling me that I should come here more often. I take that to mean that this should not be a one-off visit and I should come here periodically just the way I go to Shirdi.

Next morning I woke up early for the morning Aarti and joined the group at the Bade Baba temple. It is the marble statue which is bathed (abhishek) and dressed every day. Amitji told me that there are specific instructions from Sai Baba not to bath the fibre Murti. After the Aarti I was thrilled to see Sai Baba dressed in the chhaddar I had offered. I had not even told them which chhaddar was from whom.

I had partook Prasad (Bhog offered to Sai Baba) and breakfast. After that I spent some time by myself in the compound. It being a Sunday, there was a small stream of visitors coming for darshan and meeting Amitji. In the evening I went for a stroll around the village. It is so peaceful and unspoilt. Every house has some cattle and fowl, and grows their own brinjals, pumpkins, chillies and even potatoes. The path along the river was pictures que and made for some great photography. As Adityaji has rightly Said, it reminds one of what Shirdi must have been like in the early days. Again at Sunset I attended the evening Aarti and retired after an early dinner as I was to leave at the crack of dawn the next morning. I must say that the food is all local cuisine and simply delicious. Folks, I strongly exhort you to really pay visit there before the crowds increase and get the chance for a personal audience with Sai in the thatched temple. It is simply an out of the world experience. With increasing visitors, this may become difficult. I get the feeling that someday there will be long queues here too. I am already looking forward to my next visit with friends and family, of course, when Baba wills. Also do spread the word and help out as much as you can. There is still a lot that needs to be done and every contribution will be useful.

I generally have reservations about clicking pictures in a religious place, whether I am disturbing the sanctity etc, so I did not click any pictures of the temple. But I did click pictures of the village, which I will post soon.

As told by Sai Devotee Veera Murthy-
After coming to Sai's Path I experienced many unbelievable incidents. In my Shibpur visit also I experienced an unbelievable experience. When I narrated this to my son he Said "no daddy. That may be your imagination since you are always saying "Sai Sai'. So I do not know how many of you are believing this. But this is 100% true that I experienced in Shibpur Sai mandir.

When I first read about Shibpur temple I thought that there was not even 1% chance for me to coming to Kolkata and visit this temple. But by Baba's grace I got a project at Kolkata and I came there last week. I requested the persons working in the office to help me to go to the temple. They Said they would arrange for it. 20th I had reserved for my return journey. But On Friday i.e. on 18.2.11 they Said that everyone has got some other work and could not accompany me. Since 19th and 20th are Holi nobody will come outside on these days. I enquired Amitji Sairam. He too Said the returning from Shibpur is risk because at any time the vehicle may be stopped at anytime anywhere.

The office manager also told me that since it is holi on 19th and 20th he couldnot allow me to travel to such a remote place. He doesnot want to take risk. I Said I will go on my own risk. Just arrange a vehicel for me. He Said he approaced his ususal cab and they refused to come there. I was very upset and asked Baba "Baba I tried my best to come to your Mandir. But there is no chance for me to come over there. You have told 'I shall call here only those, whom i consider to be true devotees of mine, rather than those who look upon me as god.' I think I am not your true devotee. My devotion is not enough. forgive me Sai." and I went to look after my work. At around 2.30 pm one employee from that office told me that he approached one taxiwala and he has agreed to take me to the Mandir on one condition that i should return immediately as he could not drive in the night. I was very happy and Said if i touch that soil that is enough for me. ( but that taxiwala stayed with me for 3 hours in the temple without any complaint. He enjoyed his stay there). We started around 3pm. I had given him Amitji Sairam's mobile no and the taxiwala then and there contacted him for the route. All the time Amitji Sairam was availabe in the mobile. We reached the temple at 8.30pm. At that time Aarthi was going on for "Bade Baba". (They call the life size marble statue of Baba donated by mr.Ramani by this name.)

I enjoyed the aarthi. At the end one young man wearing jeans pant & green color striped design shirt came and worshipped Baba and went out. I thought "so such modern people too are coming for the Pooja in this remote village". When I came out the same person welcomed me with so much of love and affection and self introduced as I am 'Amit Biswas'. He introduced all his committee members to me. He showed all the places in the temple and explained all the things. They treated me like an vvip. Though I cannot understand their language I could feel their love and affection. They are very very simple people and innocent with so much of love. I think because of that only Baba has selected that village to reside. I was serverd with Baba's fruits and sweets. Amitji Sairam explained the miracles of the temple and about the constructions going on there. I got a chance to chat with Aditya Sairam too. I donated a very small amount and told Amitji Sairam that my capacity is that much only.

He Said "Money is not important. It is Baba's order that not to ask any one for donation. He Said "whatever the amount my devotees give accept it. So we are accepting even rs.1 or rs.5 as donations. Then he Said "Come on. we will go to dwarakamai" and we enterd into a bamboo hut where the fibre Baba is placed. There was no electric lamp. Only a small oil lamp was there. He told me " Sit here. do not make noise. Look into Baba's eyes. Fifteen minutes. I come" and he went out. I was alone with Baba. First I put my prayers to Baba. I was looking at Baba's face. Ten minutes passed. When you see an object continuously in such a dim light definately you will feel that the object is moving and changing the shape. I too felt the same thing and nothing else. I thought " Is this they call it as miracle or vibrarion. I did not feel anything. If i say I did not experience anything what will they think of me. I was worrying that how can I tell them that I did not feel any thing.

At that moment I saw two green lights glowing at Baba's eyes like radium glitter in the dark. I thought that since it is fibre material they could have fixed some radium material in Baba's eyes so that on the lighting it is glowing. At the same time Suddenly I felt a 1000 volts current pass thorough my head to toe. It was such a jolt that I could not move, my body was stiffened, hair raised, tears coming from my eyes and the mouth muttering "Baba Baba". At the same moment Baba's statue vanished from there and I saw the vaccum space and immediately

The smile is such a smile like a mother looking at her child with so much of care and affection. I can never forget his smile.Within fraction of second every thing gone and everything is normal. I could not beleive my eyes. ( Aditya Sairam if you read this please narrate this to Amitji Sairam in your language. On that day I could not explain him completely. I only Said " I saw Baba in human form." He Said "yes. Baba lives here.") Now Amitji Sairam came in. I Said to him. "I saw Baba in Human form." He Said " Yes. Yes. He lives here. I challenge anybody Baba is here." We went into the office room. There they again served me with Rotis and Sweets. We were chatting generally and he told that the time I came is correct since one can feel the presence of Baba there between 6 to 10 pm and Said Baba is very moody some times in good mood and some times in bad mood. Then I asked what is his mood today. He Said "happy mood. You come. he very happy". Then Amitji Sairam took some photos and when send off he told me " Go and tell this experience to everyone, write it in internet, spread Baba's miracles to everybody like Taskanu. Baba gives order to you through me. I was very happy and Said 'yes I will do it' and started from there. I came back to kolkata around 3am.

My brother is a good writer. He has already published many books in tamil. I asked him to write the miracles of Baba. He Said "Yes". Sowmya Sairam you have listed many miracles in this forum. Can i translate it in tamil and use it in the book. Ravi Sairam any objections?

Pl. if u want to convey anything to me my email id is

What i want to say finally is "This is the high time we have to visit Shibpur Sai Mandir. Once crowd started coming, then we will not get the chance to sit with Baba alone and get the vibration and feel the Baba's presence. Who are all coming to this Mandir are all definitely very fortunate people. So If you pray sincerely with your whole heart Baba will definitely make arrangements for your visit. Let Shibpur Sai Bless us All.

As told by another Sai Devotee –
I would like to share the experience of my visit to the Shibpur Sai mandir. It is from this website that I came to know about the Shibpur Sai mandir. I also realized the meaning of Shraddha and Saburi through this visit. It was my wish to offer some puja on my birthday which falls on 4th of June. It is from January that I tried to visit this temple in person but could not do so due to various reasons. Once it so happened in March that everything was fixed and final but had to be cancelled at the very last moment. At last Baba called me and I went there for Baba's darshan with my father. June 4th was an opportune time to visit Shibpur because if I visited there in March as planned then it will too early for my birthday and from the next week of my visit my exams began I would not be able to make it. At Shibpur temple, Baba fulfilled my each and every small wish. This journey has become one of my most memorable pilgrimages. I had visited lots of different mandir, but have never got so much attention and respect as that given by the temple committee. The people are so respectable and well behaved, so caring and loving that I feel really very fortunate to have met them. I desire to visit Shibpur temple and see Baba the next time with my family and friends.

Miracles at Shibpur temple:


>> Nov: 2014:

> As you all know, Baba has graced us with providing a Tabiz/locket in case some one requests it specifically to cure any of your issues; we have been sending this since then and so far 100 people have received these. From them almost 96 people have responded back with positive news! We will continue to work on these requests. It seems that there was blind man and was granted vision ; we don’t know much details of this but what we heard was that he can see everything now. This is really miraculous. There have been people praying for numerous health issues and among them about 146 people have been graced by baba and their health has either completely improved or improving now. There were many singles/couples praying for their Marriage among them 75 people have been married now or they are going to soon. In the recent past almost 365 students or higher education aspirants have called in for prayers and they have been successful. Job related issues have been solved for 41 individuals so far. Baba has also blessed almost 87 married couples with kids. As many as 133 families have been relieved by interior issues with in them by Baba’s grace here. personal problems of almost 30 people have been treated by Baba;s grace The numbers continue on and on, we are so blessed and thankful to Baba for his immense grace on all the devotees who have been seining prayers to this temple.

>> July 2014:

Many devotees have been praying and performing pooja to Baba in Shibpur temple for the following issues and so far we have been notified that their prayers have been answered at the right time.

# People who have been praying to Baba have been blessed with kids

# devotees who’s marriage was not working out got their prayers answered

# devotees have been blessed with Baba’s grace who suffered with various Family issues within.

# of devotees who were looking up for jobs or service related issues have been blessed.

# of devotees who prayed to marry their love were blessed by Baba.As many as

# of devotees who had health problems were cured and also almost

# of devotees who were struggling in education and studies had been blessed and successful by Baba’s grace.

A lady gave birth to a child after 21 years of their marriage after performing pooja and prayers to Baba in Shibpur. She is 50 years now. So far baba has granted his vision and grace to almost 113 people though out the world who have faithfully performed various service in the temple. Many people have shred their experiences in this context.

Baba ordered a man in dream to speak to Amitji when he prayed to baba about his problem. He spoke to Amitji and it seemed to have resolved hi issue.

Amitji has shared another dream with us; Baba blessed him with another dream recently.

** Baba has mentioned these statements below:____________

** who so ever has performed pooja in this temple will get his vision sooner or later and will be abundantly blessed by him; he has assured him that.

** Soon, Baba’s mukut will be will be made in Gold.

** Baba has ordered AMitji to build Shibpur temple’s office in Krishnanagar now.

** Baba has graced his Darshan to one of his devotees who stays in Chennai and gave him prasad. The person mentioned that he is coming from Shibpur temple and he has got the prasad for him. He did not accept anything except a glass of water from the devotee.

** Few kids from Shibpur have actually seen Baba in the new Dwarkamayee temple built there. When they reported this to their parents they did not believe but baab has confirmed it later .

** Baba has assured that who so ever offers Pooja or any service to Baba with out any condition at the shibpur temple they will be for sure liberated

** Also Baba has mentioned that who do not trust when prayers are offered on their behalf; AMitji can send them Tabiz which they can wear.

** Baba has also permitted Amitji to make Tabiz to any one who has serious issues with what so ever matter in their life. He can send them. Till now it was not sent to everyone . These will be made in new Dwarkamayee with Baba’s grace.

## On a personal note, Amitji wanted to share the below news with you all. With Baba;s Grace, he has won the below Awards:

> Indira Gandhi Excellence Award, outstanding achievement on Social work

> Rajiv Gandhi Excellence Award, outstanding achievement on Social work

> Best Photo Journalist of India,

> Best Leadership award in still Photography

> Mother teresa Shiromani Award for social work

> Nelson Mendela peace award for social work.

> Indian achiever award for social service excellence.

> International Gold star Photographers award + 4 gold medal.’ International gold medal award.

> The Open international university for complementary medicine. (colombo Srilanka, ceremony in Kualalapur Malaysia)

> doc of honor for social worker.

> Dr. Amit Kumar Biswas.

> Asia pacific award, nominated for social worker.

Nov 2013:

> There were almost 56 couples who were waiting to have baby for many years and they were blessed with a baby by Swami's grace.

> An Odissa lady who was married for 15 years, did not have kids and after having prayer and offered pooja at the temple, she was blessed with a baby recently.

> Another lady from Vizag (Vishakapatnam, Andhra Pradesh), was also blessed with a bay after 13 years of their marriage

> A lady from Kolkata had some personal health issues and then after an operation, she was blessed with a baby boy after 19 years of marriage!

> With Baba's grace, there have been reported almost 62 couples had issues with getting marrieds and after offering pooja at the temple, they all got marrired.

> Almost 107 people has health issues which got cured after praying to Baba here.

> A person from Delhi suffering with Paralysis for many years was cured by Baba's grace. Adding to this couple of people suffering to Spondelitis also got cured.

> Almost 28 people (spread accross USA,UK,Australia etc) have experienced that their job issues have been resolved after praying to baba here.

> There were 5 families having issues in their family which got resolved.

> AS many as 67 people giving out exams got cleared.

Few Miracles: -------------

> On the day or Durga Mata Pooja, the priest had offered a red flower on Baba's feet. When they returned back next morning, they saw the flower had turned WHITE!

> A person from Kolkata, had come to offer 30 laddus on his 30th birthday to Baba. The priest planned to give out these laddus to all the devotees who come ti visit the temple, however, as many as 67 people turned out on that day to have darshan and prasad. Surprisingly, there were many more laddu's remained even after distributing these laddus to the devotees.

> Usually, the temple priest keeps out a cloth for Baba to offer him next morning. However, one night he forgot to do that. Surprisingly, when he woke up next morning, he saw a bright cloth kept out on a box! On checking with everyone, no one knew about how this cloth had appeared there!

> On one day, priest offered Khichadi to Baba. The same was offered to almost 100 people who came to visit the temple on that day, everyone liked it so much. However, later when the temple team had the prasad they realized there was no Salt in Khichadi and still how could everyone enjoy the taste.

> A family from Hubli had come to offer pranams to Baba at Shibpur, while the husband and wife of a kid were standing out and talking to Amitji, the 7 year kid entered Shibpur Baba's room and he came out running saying that baba had presented a Rudraksh to him and spoke to him. When asked many times, he wsa very firm and also there was no one seen in the room other than the child.

> On one day, the priest saw tears in Baba's eye , wondering why, he realized that a cat which usually stays in the temple was ran over a vehicle and dead on the road.

May 2013:

Sairam everyone,

> we would like to share few more stories from Shibpur which were seen in past few months. As you know, many devotees have been offering their prayers, special pooja and have been receiving Baba's vibhuti which helped many of them to relieve their pains and sufferings and fulfill all their desires. Here are few incidents that we wanted to share with you.

1. It was noted that there were nearly 86 couples who were desperately praying for a child and were eventually Blessed by Baba. Few couples were blessed with a Baby even after being childless for 9 years (USA) and 18 years (Chennai) respectively.

2. Nearly 16 people from many parts of the world were gifted with a Job with Baba's grace.

3. Almost 63 couples were blessed by Baba to get married.

4. As many as 192 cases for health issues and nearly 72 familes were relieved from having family issues.

5. This included a person from Orrisa, who was suffering with Paralysis for many years. But, after having Baba's vibhuti from Shibpur and his devotion finally cured him totally and now he is fully fit.

6. Another person from Bihar had a severe breathing problem, his doctor had even made a final statement that he would lose hi life in next few months. But, with baba's grace and Udi (Udi mixed with water for 3 months continuously) he was totally cured and is now fully fit.

7. A 50 year old devotee from Krishnanagar was suffering due to a Celebral attack from many years But, after having Baba's Udi and offering prayers at the temple, he is totally cured now.

8. Few MLA from Karnataka had offered pooja at the temple during the Karnataka Assembly elections and all of them had won!

9. Another TV artist from Southern Kolkata had offered prayers and Pooja at the temple as his Career was declining. But, by Baba's grace he is performing well now and very happy.

DEC 2012:

1. There was a lady from orrisa who came to shibpur mandir on nov 1st 2012. She had a deep urge to present a Green dress to Baba but se could not find that from any store and could get only an orange color dress. But, when she came to the temple and unpacked her bag, she was awestuck to see that the orange dress had turned green to fulfill her wishes :)

2. There was a family from calcutta (Hind MOtor Co.) who were coming to visit to Shibpur temple. However, this family forgot to get flowers for baba and were feeling sad. So when the couple came to Bethuadahuri and were asking for directions to Shibpr temple to a local resident there; he gave the exact directions and also gave them lots of flowers to offer it to Baba. The couple were happy to receive and to think that Baba made their with possible.

3. It seems that in Amitji's native village; there was a man of 75-80 year old (Approx). This man was very devoted to Baba and was almost lying on his death bed and at that time, he was wishing to have Shibpur Baba;s prasad and that AMitji should come with the same. Believe me, no one had mentioned this to AMitji (about this person's wish) but strangely, it came to know that Amitji did go to this person and gave him the prasad! Amitji was shocked to know this as he was in Shibpur that time!

4. Usually the temple's priest or the seceretry lights lamps in the whole temple. One day; both of them forgot to light the lamp thinking that the other one would light it and later realized that no one had lit it. But, it was seen that the lamp were lit and were glowing all the night!

5. One night during Durga pooja everyone was attending mata's pooja and suddenly it was seen that Dhuni's light got enraged and it was burning very bright!! When people came to see what happened at the dhuni room, they could see smoke coming in from a neighboring area as well, where unfortunately some houses were burnt but surprisingly, a store owned by one of the the shibpur trust member was safe and was not at all touched by the flames!!!

6. There was a person from Hugli, Daulat near Shibpur. He has a 22 year old son who was acting abnormal because of some black magic on him. So, this guy came to the temple on one of the evenings and wished to offer pooja to baba and talk to Amitji and gain Udi from him to cure his son. His son was sitting in Shibpur Baba's room; Amitji came in, spoke to him and also gave udi to him. he explained his whole problem to him as well. Amitji said that he will pray for him and baba willsurely cure him. Saying so he left the room. But you would not believe that AMitji was at that same time in Krishnanagar at his place and he came to know about this incident from that same person whose son got Baba;s Udi. By the way it was laearned later that this boy got cured from the black magic.

7. As Amitji is now known by many of them locally; there was a polotician who was seen very jealous of him and it seems that he had sent a local gunda to beatup AMitji. One day, this guy was waiting for AMitji in the bushes near a road, but when he saw the police jeep coming on that road, he ran and hid himself in the bushes. But, he discovered a snake in side the bushes nad he ran towards the road and got hit buy a huge banyan tree very badly. He was later admited to a local hospital and now AMitji is praying for him to get well soon.! By the way, cops caught him later and he narrated this whole story to AMitji and Cops.

8. On one of the eve of Durga Maata pooja; Amitji was busy in all the temple preperations, and Sai garv (Amitji's son) was playing near the Homam/yagya place. Suddenly he fell into the yagya kund (into the fire) but secretery Probhat ji just jumped in and pulled him up. Fortunately, only a a small part of his elbow was burt but his life is saved now. Probhat ji later narrated that he felt a stong push to jump into the fire to save him.. it felt like some one had pushed him hard and we all know that is Baba :)

Adding to these, there are many more miracles as well which have no end.. However, below are few cases/prayers which baba had answerd to so many people after praying for them here or after offering pooja.

> There were nearly 96 couples who were childless and after they offered pooja at this temple, they were gifted with issues.

> There were nearly 7 people praying for jobs and who were well placed and also 16 people had job related issues which was solved after offering pooja there.

> There were nearly 61 couples who got married after offering pooja and prayers here.

> People having family issues - nearly 36 families were solved and are peaceful now.

> People affected with black magic nearly 131 of them were releived upto much extent

> Issues dealing with health (appx 78); education (81); visa (13) and love marriage (21) were resolved after ofering prayers and pooja at Baba;s feet. But remember, only when we > have faith on Sai, we se ethese miracles; else these are just co-incidences!! So, please have faith and patience in Sai.

===================== we would like to share few more stories from Shibpur which were seen in past few months. As you know, many devotees have been offering their prayers, special pooja and have been receiving Baba's vibhuti which helped many of them to relieve their pains and sufferings and fulfill all their desires. Here are few incidents that we wanted to share with you.

1.It was noted that there were nearly 86 couples who were desperately praying for a child and were eventually Blessed by Baba. Few couples were blessed with a Baby even after being childless for 9 years (USA) and 18 years (Chennai) respectively.

2. Nearly 16 people from many parts of the world were gifted with a Job with Baba's grace.

3. Almost 63 couples were blessed by Baba to get married.

4. As many as 192 cases for health issues and nearly 72 familes were relieved from having family issues.

5.This included a person from Orrisa, who was suffering with Paralysis for many years. But, after having Baba's vibhuti from Shibpur and his devotion finally cured him totally and now he is fully fit.

6. Another person from Bihar had a severe breathing problem, his doctor had even made a final statement that he would lose his life in next few months. But, with baba's grace and Udi (Udi mixed with water for 3 months continuously) he was totally cured and is now fully fit.

7. A 50 year old devotee from Krishnanagar was suffering due to a Celebral attack from many years But, after having Baba's Udi and offering prayers at the temple, he is totally cured now

8. Few MLA from Karnataka had offered pooja at the temple during the Karnataka Assembly elections and all of them had won!

9. Another TV artist from Southern Kolkata had offered prayers and Pooja at the temple as his Career was declining. But, by Baba's grace he is performing well now and very happy.

We thank you for all your support so far.

Miracles from Shibpur temple (Nov - Dec 2011)

1. A married couple from Kanpur was childless for last 17years. But, after offering pooja at Shibpur and taking Udi from Shibpur, recently they were blessed with a Baby Boy!

2, It was reported that 2 ladies from chennai were childless even after 14 and 15years of their marriage. But with Baba's udi and pooja, they recently gave birth to a child.

3. Another similar issue was reported from a person from Hyderabad, AP. Even after 7-8 years of married and still remained childless, had family issues, or issues with husband. But by Baba's grace he was blessed with a baby.

4. Total 16 people from USA, Australia, Kolkata, Delhi got jobs recently after praying to Baba here.

5. 15 cases of health related issues were solved recently by Baba's grace.

6. Interestingly many (11) couples who had issues with their Love marriage, their issues were resolved by Baba's grace.

7. There were 2 persons from AP, who were suffering with Brain Tumor. But, with Baba's grace, their health issues were also solved completely.

8. Nearly 45 families were blessed with Baba's grace to solve their family problems and issues!

9. Not only humans but also almost 150 Animals having various health issues or disorders were cured by giving them Baba's bath water.

10. As many as 16 people were promoted to higher level in their respective jobs in past 2 months.

Recent Miracle from Sai Devotee -

> I am a Sai devotee from USA. I read about Shibpur temple and miracles of Baba at Shibpur temple through Hetalji's blog.I saved picture of Baba at Shibpur temple on to my computer. After reading one experience of a devotee at Shibpur temple on Hetalji's blog, I prayed to Baba that Baba if I get job by your grace I'll donate some money to Shibpur temple. Baba fulfilled my wish it is a great miracle in my life.I got a very good jobby Baba grace. It is not because of my talent it is completely by Baba grace.I love you Baba. He is so kind to his devotees.I do not know how to express my gratitude to him. All I can do is surrender myself completely to Baba and pray for Sharanagathi at his feet.

1.Few days back a 5 year old boy from Shibpur came to Shibpur temple. He was looking for the priest of the temple to express his will of learning computers. He narrated the conversation like this - " I met an old man this morning at a nearby river near the shibpur temple. He asked me if i was wishing to learn computers. I said yes and then He said me to go to the shibpur temple and tell this to the people in the temple and they will help you out." So promptly this boy came to the temple and enquired the same with the priest and Amitji. Amitji was very happy to learn this (The old man would not be any other person than Sai Baba Himself as, the description of that man given by that boy was exactly matching with Baba's looks!) but at the same time was sad and dejected as there was no school that would teach computer education to the village people. Only institute they had was almost 25kms away and that boy being so young cannot travel that distance. So now the temple authorities are working on plans to build a computer institute nearby shibpur so that all villagers and their children can learn the technology. In this regards donations are accepted to build this school. Also if any devotee can spread a word about this to any donor trusts, who usually fund the education on computers, then that would be a great help.

2.Another miracle happened was that, One day a devotee's sister had wished for Shibpur Baba's udi for herself. When her brother came to know about this he said that it was late night 9pm and there would be no one at the temple to help us get the Udi. He said that the next morning we would go and get the Udi from the temple. Next morning also the lady's brother devotee had gone to the temple around 4.15am and he did not see anyone there. But, he saw one old man coming towards him and gave him 2 packets of Udi and said that i am worker at this temple and i have this udi packet for you. Please go and give this to your sister. Then later this devotee spoke to Amitji of what all had happened and asked how they knew that his sister was in need of the Udi. They said they don’t know anything and who that old man was who gave him the packet. It goes with out saying that it was no other than Baba himself at Shibpur.

3.Another BIG and beautiful miracle - There is a young girl who lives in a small city between Kolkata and Shibpur. She had come across the Shibpur's website recently and was willing to talk to Amitji and said that she has to talk to him something very secretive. She was very much eager to meet Amitji and spoke to him once and started for the temple. She left for the temple but forgot Amitji's phone number and also her cell phone had no talk time charge on it to make calls. It just had Rs.2/- in it, So she could not inform Amitji that she is coming to the temple by taking a trekker from Behthurdari to Shibpur. Then when she came in the temple she saw no one there as this was the afternoon time and all the villagers will be in the fields for work. So she thought of taking some rest by playing carroms with some local guys there. But then she saw Amitji sitting at Shibpur Baba’s temple steps and told him everything..All the secrets that she needed to talk about. Then Amitji gave her Udi packets as well and also had offered flowers to the Shibpur Baba there. Then she happily came back from the temple. Later she called Amitji the same night and asked Amitji not to tell anyone the secrets that she has shared with him. Wonder of Wonders was that Amitji was shocked at this as he was in Krishnanagar the whole day and had not gone to Shibpur that day. !!! That Was Baba himself that she talked to and who was in disguise of Amitji there.!!!

It is now so evident that Baba resides in Shibpur and is everywhere.

4.Once a person from Bangalore called Amitji and expressed his desire to donate some amount on the name of his ancestors for the temple to buy a land for the temple in Shibpur. He donated almost Rs.25,000/-. Then few days back Amitji again got a call from him saying that all his issues and troubles are now solved. That man got a dream of baba and it seems that baba told him that "Whoever donates anything on the name of his ancestors, I will be very happy upon him and shower My grace abundantly on him". So then, this person's son got a decent Job, this guy got promoted in his Job, His wife's health condition improved a lot who was very ill, her daugther is now pregnant and also his brother's daughter got a US visa. So is the blessing of baba on him.

5.This miracle or Love of Baba i would say was recorded on the GuruPurnima Day of 2011 and this goes like this. On the GuruPurnima Day, Shibpur temple conducts Annadaan in great quantity and thousands of devotees come there to take the prasaad. This time it so happened that because of continuous rains in Shibpur, it was difficult for the chefs to prepare so much food (which was being prepared at different houses) as there was not much utensils as well. Usually during this kind of special Annadaan occasions, the temple authorities cook atleast 30 big vessels of Khichdi (flavoured rice made of moong daal) and is fed to thousands of people. But this time it was feasible to make only 6 vessels of rice. The preist, Amitji along with other concerned members of the temple were feeling very ashamed of this and so the priest was thinking to himself and praying to baba that this is a very shameful act on our part Baba as people have come to take your prasad and there is only a little quantity this day. Saying so they started distributing the prasad. Surprisingly, the distribution went of for hours on that day, from 12.00pm to 11.00pm and everyone was shocked to see this leela of Baba. Even when all the people working in the temple, the trustee members had their food, there was a little food left over. Everyone from the temple and the village was very very happy to see this Miracle and praise and love Baba for this.

6.Another Miracles quoted on this Gurupurnima 2011 goes on like this - A devotee had sent some nice dress, Pipe and Tobacco along with some dakshina to Shibpur temple in order to offer it to Baba on that day. Amitji while doing pooja took out the dress for Baba but couldn't make out from the packet if there was anything else in it and kept that packet aside (he did not notice the tobacco, pipe and dakshina in it) and offered the dress to Baba. Then at the end of the day, Baba came in dream of the preist and told him that Amit has forgotten to give me the pipe and tobacco along with the dakshina of Rs.201/-, that my devotee has sent to me. Ask and remind Amit that he has kept that packet at so and so place, take that and offer it to me tomorrow! Amitji was surprised and shocked to see that it matched the exact thing that was in the packet at the exact place mentioned by Baba and was happy to offer it to Baba later. Amitji also mentioned that Baba had always reminded him of such things as pooja etc when ever any devotee would send the pooja to shibpur and incase Amitji forgets about it. It is so wonderful to see the love of Baba for his devotees!!!

7.One Sai devotee experience in Shibpur temple: During the evening Aarti I had the desire to take a small video of the Aarti and keep it to myself. An inner voice told me to stop taking the video and concentrate on the Puja and Aarti. I did not listen and continued taking the videos. I tried to take two videos during the evening Aarti period. When the Aarti was over I tried checking how the videos have come. Lo! To my surprise there were blank screens. None of the videos were recorded. I understood that I have to take Baba’s permission to click His picture here. Next morning during the Kakad Aarti I asked Baba for his permission to take His morning Aarti video. I looked at Baba and he seemed to be smiling. Happily I took the video. It was recorded this time! I understood that nothing in this universe moves without Baba’s permission and grace.

8.Sometimes in Sep 2009 a PWD Engineer’s wife called up the President of this temple Amit Biswas. She told him that she has a happy married life but this life seems to be vacant without a child. They are married for 10 years now without an issue. The couple had visited many doctors and have taken all the medical help required but of no use. One day while coming in a vehicle she has seen Sai Baba’s picture in a shop. She asked Amit whether she can have a darshan of Sai Baba and offer puja to HIM. Amit invited him to the temple to offer Puja to Sai Baba. When she had the darshan of Baba she cried bitterly before Baba and prayed for a child. Baba blessed him with a beautiful child 10 years after their marriage.

9.Guddu Gurung and Saina Guru are from Nepal. They are working in this village as watchman. They were childless. One by one four children died before their birth. Doctor’s said that Saina had some internal problem in ovary and she was not able to bear child. They consulted many doctors, finally went to Vellore for treatment. But still no cure. Finally they got a beautiful daughter after offering Puja to Sai Baba in Shibpur temple.

10.One day the daughter of the priest of the temple saw that her lower portion of the face has been blackened. There were black spots on this part of the face. The priest was worried. He did not consult any doctor. Rather with full faith and devotion he smeared Baba’s Udi on her daughter’s face and prayed to Baba to remove these black spots from her daughter’s face. Miraculously after 7 days these black spots vanished on its own and the girl looked normal like before.

11.A child was born to a couple after 14 years of their marriage after offering Puja to Sai Baba at Shibpur temple. One day a devotee came for Baba’s darshan. He had severe stomach pain for quite a few days. The pain was so much that it was impossible for him to sit in this temple. With great devotion he prayed to Baba and took His UDI mixed in water. Within minute the stomach pain vanished and he never felt that pain any more. There was one Sai devotee who lives in a nearby village called Gopinathpur. He had paralysis. He could not move his limbs. He consulted many doctors, took physiotherapy courses but of no use. With great difficulty and full devotion, this devotee paid darshan to Sai Baba at Shibpur temple. On his return slowly his paralysis was gone and now he can run and walk like normal humans.

12.A devotee named Sunil Das had a 16 days old son. Suddenly this child stopped taking any type of food and was continuously crying. This went on for 3 days with no food and continuous crying and shivering. Doctor’s medicine failed to cure this child. Finally they brought this child to Sai Baba, laid him near Baba’s seat and the priest touched the child’s head taking Baba’s name and applied Udi on his forehead. The child immediately stopped crying and was rather smiling. He drank the entire bottle of milk in front of everyone present there and started behaving normally. An old devotee of Sai Baba named Tarit Pal had a daughter who had her face paralysed. Tarit took her daughter to many doctors but none could cure her. Finally Tarit started bringing his daughter to Sai Baba’s temple every day and applied Baba’s Udi on that portion of her face which was paralysed. Slowly her paralysis was gone and recovered completely by the grace of Baba when all medical sciences failed.

13.There are many instances in this village where girls get married after offering Puja to Sai Baba at Shibpur temple. Balai Ghosh of Krishnanagar was in deep poverty. He did not have the money to meet the basic means. He tried to get a job but could not succeed. He was totally frustrated and decided to end his life. Suddenly he got an inner message that if he donates Rs. 500/- to Sai Baba temple in Shibpur his bad days will come to an end. This poor fellow now has nothing left with him except his bicycle. He decided to sell off this bicycle for Rs.500/-, and donate this amount to Baba as dakshina. He sold the bicycle for Rs.500/-, went to Sai Baba temple at Shibpur and kept Rs.500/-, at Sai Baba’s feet and returned home. After exactly seven days a distant relative of Balai came to meet him. Balai has never seen this relative. He offered Balai to join him in his business as partner. Balai need not invest any capital for this. This relative of Balai had business of manufacturing and repairing batteries. Business grew well. After one year Balai decided to find out how much money he could profit from this business. His banker told him that he has made a profit of Rs. 5 lakhs in one year. This is the chamatkar of Baba. Baba has turned this beggar to a rich man today. Balai offered Rs. 500/- to Baba and Baba returned him 1000 times that money to him.

14.At least 3 to 4 devotees told me that they have seen at midnight between 2 Am – 2:30 AM that a round ball shaped object, brightly illuminated swayed between the top of the Neem tree to the top of the temple. This ball swayed 2 to 3 times and then suddenly vanished.

15.Once during evening Aarti was going on in the temple. The President of the Shibpur Sai Baba temple Amit Biswas looked out side the temple and saw Sai Baba warning his dhoti, kurta and Kafni madly dancing to the tune of Kirtan. Sai Baba was dancing till the Kirtan was going on and then suddenly vanished. This incident was told to me by Amit Biswas himself.

16.A lady suddenly discovered that her husband was having illicit relationship with a neighborhood girl. She never expected this thing to happen after 15 years of their marriage. The husband was not interested to stay with her any more and used to quarrel. The lady was morose and cried. She went to Sai Baba and prayed to him to return her husband back to her. If her husband comes back to her snapping all relationship with the girl then the lady promised to offer Payasam to Baba. After one month she got her husband back. He has snapped all relationship with the neighborhood girl.

17.The temple is getting built with the donation of Sai devotees. One great Sai Baba devotee Shri K V Ramanidonated huge sum during the start of the temple. One day it so happened that the ceiling work has to be done next day and Rs. 5000/- was required to be paid to the masons. If the masons do not get the money they will not work. That night not a single penny was there with the temple authorities. They were worried how to resume the temple work the next day. From where to arrange Rs.5000/-. They kept faith in Baba and went to sleep. Next day morning a person came with his family to have darshan of Baba at the Shibpur temple. He has come from Dubai and heard about this Sai Baba temple from a friend in Kolkata. He paid darshan to Baba and did Puja. Then he signed a cheque of Rs. 5001/- and gave to the temple authorities as dakshina to Baba. When Baba is there why take tensions on your head! Such is the leela of Baba.

18.Cows in the village suffering from Anthrax get cured after drinking water mixed with Baba’s udi. A cow gave birth to a calf after 6 years when udi was smeared on his head and udi mixed in water was offered to the cow. Every year during the annual festival of Sai Baba temple at Shibpur a gentle man Samir Bhattacharjee takes the responsibility of arranging food for 10,000 people at the congregation. Last year this person was ill. He had open heart surgery and was not in a position to take this huge responsibility. The temple authorities thought of celebrating the festival in a small way this year. Somehow at the last minute the temple President Amit Biswas appealed to the devotees to contribute whatever they can for the feast. Suddenly a huge gathering of people came with rice, pulses and vegetables. They came with so much of these items that not only 10,000 people were fed but many took the food items home as prasadam. Baba is omnipotent and omnipresent. It is difficult to understand his leelas!

19.Another miracle happened on 24th February, 2010 at about 11.00 A.M. A snake of 11 ft. long appeared at the Sai temple of Shibpur which is the eventual activity in consideration with the dream of 1999. It is very astonishingly evident that despite gathering of people in the temple the snake did not accept any disturbance while Sri Amit Kumar Biswas taking a snap very closely and the snake co-operated to take photo as human being.

20.One lady of Betai Joardar Para under Tehatta P.S. in Nadia district Smt.Tapati Mandal got married before 20 years. She and her husband both are medically incompetent for growing any child. They become hopeless and helpless which lead to mentall depression and came to Shibpur Sai Temple and after a long discussion with Sri Amit Kumar Biswas when Sri Biswas given her Sai Baba’s ‘UDHI’ which touched in the forehead of Tapati Mandal and instructed to have daily and she continued with great trust and believe and miraculously she gave birth one female child of 3 Kgs and 800 gms in January, 2010 of the blessings of Sai Baba. The baby and mother are in healthy condition which is also a miraculous activity.

21.Besides these so many other miraculous activities happened in the Sai Temple of Shibpur consistently such as, one Dharani Dhar Mandal of Shibpur was attacked with cerebral and was thrown into Coma when the relatives are waiting the doorsteps of his death but miraculously alive by touching the ‘UDHI’ of Sai Baba on the forehead and mouth within three days he is walking independently and being present himself in the Sai Temple daily. One Sri Santu Mandal a student of Class XI who was attacked with facial infection and continuing medical treatment since six months continuously but getting no remedy. He came to the Sai Temple of Shibpur and after having ‘UDHI’ of Sai Baba he has been free from such infection within seven days miraculously and so on almost every day.

22.A Sai devotee while browsing she came across Shibpur Sai temple and miracles happening there..All that day she was thinking of it at work. In the evening after she came home spoke to her husband about the Shibpur Sai Mandir. Then she prayed to baba "If her daughter gets into the college she will contribute towards the charity work which is undertaken" In 5 seconds, the phone rang, the lady from the College to which her daughter applied wanted to talk to her daughter who was taking her evening nap, her husband woke her up and told her the college person is on the phone. The lady told her daughter that she has been admitted into their college

23.A woman of 75 years namely Smt. Kamala Bala Joardar who has been suffering from acute leprosy in the third stage of her suffering and the doctor Arijit Mukherjee Nadia District Hospital returned her after completion of dosage of MDT for 12 months and the said patient only taking of Sai Baba Prasadam daily with the mixing of dust from the Sai temple consistently for 12 months and become the result after ending of 12 months the patient Smt. Kamala Bala Joardar is now miraculously cured by the blessings of Shirdi Sai Baba not only cured but also the aforesaid patient after receipt of miraculous result she began to dancing in the Sai festival and procession.

24.20 days back a boy had injury in his eye. A fiber piece was struck in boy's eye. Parents took him to hospital (it was supposed to be best eye hospital in Calcutta).They gave treatment for 15 days and no improvement in boy's condition. They said his eye is fully damaged. Boy will be not be able to see in future. His mother was very upset.She came to Shibpur temple and started crying in front of his Baba, and asked Amitji to request Baba to save the boy. Amitji prayed in front of Baba and gave Prasad, yesterday they came to temple with fruits to thank Baba, as the boy's eye is back and he is able to see

25.Sometime back,an elderly person came and bows before Amitji in early morning 4 am. Amitji was shocked, he asked why he is bowing to him, instead Amitji should bow to him as he is younger to him.. So that elder person started explaining his dream. "Amitji was wearing long kafni and dhoti, he is holding satka in right hand and kamandalu in left hand and standing in middle of the sea with Baba sitting in front of him, both are conversing and Baba kept his hand on Amitji". So the elder person said to Amitji that, Amitji is so blessed with Baba.

26.Miracles happened on Ramanavami – Shibpur (24.03.2010): Anand joshi, a great Sai devotee inaugurated Sai Baba temple Shibpur on ramanavami day. He had a blessed experience on that day. Anandji asked Amitji that you tell Baba is here, show me, I want to see him. Then Amitji told go inside the temple with candle, switch off the light and meditate on candle light.. If Baba wants then definitely he will give you darshan.. It was around 11 pm in night he went inside sat with candle and started starring at Baba, he had the vision of Khandoba, Vittal and Baba (Baba's face he described it as old as it looked like Baba just few days before samadhi) he felt great vibration there, he was in very happy state, he submerged in devotion sea of Baba..Anandji told he felt great vibration inside temple and near the Neem tree.

27.Miracles happened on Ramanavami- Shibpur (24.03.2010): A 24 year married girl from Nadia district had some infection on left side chest. It started growing. Girl’s family stopped local treatment and took her to good hospital in Calcutta. Wound infection had spread till mouth. It was diagnosed as cancer.She was give 3-4 bottles of blood every week and doctor said, She will not survive.It has reached nth stage.She was bedridden. On the day of ramanavami,her husband's sister marriage was arranged in Shibpur. She got a call that her sister in law will die.So came soon to see her.She came to Shibpur Sai Baba temple and asked Amitji for prasad so she can put on her sister in law's mouth.She was crying badly. Amitji prayed to baba and gave her prasad. She came to her sister in law's place who was about to leave this world and put the prasad in her mouth. Patient after some time got up from bed. She said she is feeing much better and why she didn't get prasad earlier. At 8 pm they called Amitji and informed this.Everyone was happy as Baba gave a jeevan to her. Such wonderful gift Baba gave. Now after 1 week of ramanavami. they informed Amitji that her wounds are getting healed. She is much better. Even doctors are shocked. It is due to our Baba who is above all?

28.On ramanavami night for 2-3 villagers in Shibpur, Baba came in dream and said them to dig the ground left side near the gate and said "ghar ghar mein Udhi hai (every house has Udhi)".. People started digging the ground as per instruction of Baba, and could find Udhi. This has happened to each and every house in Shibpur and one nearby village called Chaderghat(More than 5000 houses), see how divine leela Baba has performed. A person "Mr. Mohammed Rashid" had a problem of spinal chord and was bed ridden. He stays 7 kms from Shibpur temple. He had taken treatment but doctors were very negative and said he cannot become normal. This disappointed Rashid ji lot. So he started praying Baba. One day he sent one person on his behalf to Shibpur temple to pray to Baba and to get Udhi. He also asked to pray to Baba that if he becomes normal he will definitely visit SaiBaba to pay thanks. Person sent by Rashid ji came to Shibpur temple prayed for Rashid ji and took Udhi and went. After few days of taking Udhi Rashid ji's condition started improving and he became normal. As per his promise Rashid ji immediately came to temple with 10 nariyals (coconut) by bike .He reached temple and thanked Baba.

29.An abnormal person was admitted to hospital and was given treatment. But no improvement was seen in his condition. One day he was give Shibpur Baba's bathed Holy water to drink. Day by day his condition started to improve and he is normal now by grace of our Lord. 30.Near Shibpur an agricultural land was infected by insects. Land owner used lot of strong fertilizers but in vain. He once used strong fertilizer 3:1 instead of 1:1 then also he could not get rid of insects. Then he thought of SaiBaba and went to Shibpur SaiBaba temple to get Baba's bathed Holy water. He got the Holy water and sprinkled all over his land. Miracle happened that the infected land became cultivable land, insects were gone. A person from Mumbai was jobless from 7 months. He read about Shibpur SaiBaba. So he downloaded Baba's photo and gave it for prints. He kept the photo in his house and started worshipping. In short time Baba fulfilled his wish and he got good job with very good package.

31.A Sai devotee from Hyderabad had financial problem and also problem in his married life (his wife had left him). He took prints of Shibpur Baba photos and sent some amount for pooja in Shibpur on his behalf. He started doing Baba's pooja everyday at home, then things began to change. His financial condition started improving and wife who had left him 6 months back came back to him.

32.Few months back in one villager's house in Shibpur a cow had got some infection.She was pregnant that time and one day blood started flowing from its nose. Cow's owner was tensed, so he prayed to Baba to help and save the cow and he will offer the cow's calf to Baba temple. Then immediately blood stopped,the cow gave birth to a healthy calf after few days. During Sai festival as per his promise he gave the calf to temple.

33.A very old lady named Gayatri Mazumdhar aged 80 years lives in Shibpur. she was admitted to hospital and after scanning doctors confirmed that her both kidneys are damaged badly. Old lady's grandson supposed to come to Baba's temple to offer puja.. But when he listened about his grand mother, he became upset. But he decided that only Baba can help her here in this situation. He put the Udhi tika on her forehead and mixed Udhi in water and asked her to drink Udi water. Then he came to temple to offer puja. Now that lady does all her work. She is at home. She is fit. But doctors are shocked that how she can move as both her kidneys are damaged, the person with such condition supposed to be bedridden but here its great chamatkar due to Baba's miracle. The “Dr Viswas of the Nadia District hospital who looked after that lady was really amazed by Baba's leela".

34.A beautiful experience with Shibpur Baba - I had Order for silver mala(with silver Bilwa leaves and Rudraksh) for Baba. I wanted to Offer to Baba on Ramanavami day (as its his Birthday also)in the temple near my home. I got the mala and offered to Baba on Ramanavami day.since they were performing abhishek for Baba they told they will put the mala later. So that day evening I went to temple again in excitement that baba will be wearing the mala. But they had decorated his feet with this mala.Then I got to know that mala is small for the Idol and I felt sad but immediately I decided that I will get big one for baba and asked the measurements.I was supposed to return the mala and get big one instead. Then I thought I will send it to Shibpur Baba but I was very much worried that it should not be short here also.Then thought in my mind if Baba wants to wear he will definately wear, it's not the matter of size. Here he just expects only love from us,so i sent it to shibpur. And now Baba is wearing it and Amit ji told me it will be put on Baba forever. Recently Baba again showed that he responds to everyone's call if it’s done in faith and devotion. Baba blessed a woman with baby boy,for whom the doctor has said it's impossible to have child.

35.story is as follows- Baby's mother during her childhood has got some infection which was so critical that doctor had said to her after marriage if she wants to have child it's impossible. Her husband fought with his family to get married to her and they faced very horrible situation and her in laws were very unhappy with marriage and warned her they will remove her from their house. Her mother in law heard about Shibpur temple came and prayed to Baba to bless his son and daughter in law. Soon after the couple was blessed with baby boy. But newborn developed jaundice and now again doctor left hope and finally last week family came to shibpur Baba temple and placed the boy near Baba's feet and the boy who was crying restlessly stopped its cry and sleept there peacefully for some time. Later he was made to drink Baba's Udhi water and the boy's grandfather prayed to Baba "You have gifted this child if you want to bless then save this child; else it’s your wish". They offered pooja and came back and slowly boy's condition started improving and now doctors confirmed he is out of danger and there is no trace of jaundice.

36.This beautiful leela happened on 09.06.2010: A Sai devotee name Payal who resides in Calcutta had come to Shibpur. She had wished to offer Baba fruits named jarful(as called in bengali).She left her place at 8.30 in morning and while traveling she forget to buy the fruits. On the way when they had stopped the car suddenly a person came and gave her Jamul fruits and asked her to offer it to Baba and went off. She was shocked by this incident. She reached temple in the afternoon and happily offered fruits to Baba.This Incident is similar to theincident mentioned in Chapter 28 of Sai Satcharitra (experience of Lala Lakhamichand Lala. Lakhamichand when started for shirdi for the first time with his friend Shankarrao, they reached Kopergaon he wanted to buy some good guavas for offering to Baba, but he was so much enrapt with the scenery and sights there, that he forgot to purchase them. When they were nearing Shirdi, he was reminded of the guavas; just then he saw an old woman with a guava-basket on her head, running after the tanga. The tanga was stopped and he gladly purchased some select fruits, when the woman said – “Take all the rest and offer them on my behalf to Baba”. The facts viz. that he had intended to purchase guavas, but that he had forgotten to do so, the old woman’s encounter and her devotion to Baba, all these were a surprise to both the friends and Lakhamichand thought in his mind, that the old woman might be some relation of the old man he saw in his dream(SaiBaba).

37.Sometime in June 2010 a wonderful miracle happened in Shibpur - Amit ji around 1 pm in mid night was sitting outside the Baba temple. Temple was closed no one was there. He was alone sitting and talking to Baba. Suddenly he heard hissing sound .He turned around and was very scared to see king cobra. He noticed that it is coming towards him. He became very tensed as there was no way for him to escape (narrow place where he can go back from that side only snake was coming towards him) and it was hitting its head to ground (appearing that it is very angry).He prayed to Baba to save him. Snake came towards him and sat next to him and was appearing calm. After seeing this he felt that it will not harm him and he slowly moved from that place and went into his house and got camera. When he came back he noticed that snake climbed the steps and tried going inside the temple but temple was closed, hence It came down went to Neem tree.There it climbed the steps and went near Baba's feet and Udhi was coming out of its mouth. Amit ji felt that it is not just normal snake it is GOD, he bow down to do pranam and then he saw the snake had climbed Baba's murty (Beautiful pic I have attached the same) and sitting around his next(Sai Shiva). After few minutes it came down and went away.

Amit ji went back to home and was thinking of this incident and slept.. He got dream of same snake that night. Snake appeared before him and said it is Seshnag. It has come here for Vishnu (SaiBaba).It will be here till Baba will be here in Nirguna Swaroopa in this place. It will never harm people who are near to God and it will give its darshan to real devotees of Baba saying this it disappeared. It is really a wonderful leela happened in Shibpur. 38.A person Dilip Biswas of Palashipara village near Shibpur was in Government service. 15 yrs ago he lost his mother. This made him to go in to depression and he became mentally disturbed. Two years ago his daughter got married and settled in Shibpur village. She heard lot of Baba's miracles and she came to Sai Baba's temple 3 months back. She prayed to Baba to recover his father and she took vibhuthi prasad to home. She applied vibhuthi to her father and also gave Udhi water to him daily. Now her father is normal by Baba's grace. One month back both (father and daughter) came to temple and offered pooja at Baba's feet.

39.A villager named Arun chatarjee near Shibpur had son in 1999. After two years parents found that boy is dumb. He will not be able to speak. Boy's father took him to so many specialist, he even took his son to chennai to show his boy to famous doctor there, but all in vain and doctors confirmed that he will not be able to speak in rest of his life. Few days back he heard about Shibpur SaiBaba. He came to this temple,offered pooja to Baba and went back with Udhi prasad. He started giving Udhi to him daily. Now his son started speaking little, doctor has said now that in another 6 months the boy will be normal and will be able to speak like others.

40.In 1999, Baba had appeared to Amit Biswas in a dream and ordered him to build a temple in Shibpur. In that dream Baba also promised Amit Biswas that in the next 11 years Baba would perform over 1000 miracles through the Shibpur Temple. Today, Dec 15th 2010, the 1000th miracle took place. For the last 11 years Amitji has been making note of all the miracles in his diary. The following is the breakup of miracles that took place:

- 245 cases of sickness were healed. Some illnesses cured were cancer, paralysis, hysteria, leprosy, psychiatric disorders etc.

- 363 prayers for children were answered at the Shibpur temple.

- 113 miracles were recorded in which Baba provided timely help to resolve business issues

- 87 cases of miracles are noted where baba has provided assistance to devotees in securing a job, getting a promotion and other service related pleas.

- 78 marriage related issues were solved by Baba for his devotees who prayed at the Shibpur temple.

- 114 requests of solving family issues and disputes were granted by Baba at the Shibpur temple.

Baba has revealed many more things to Amit Biswas which will be told to us devotees when the time is right. Please feel free to send your prayers and contributions to the Shibpur SaiBaba temple.

41.As narrated by a Sai devotee- Two days ago, my brother-in-law had a mild heart stroke. Just before night, SAI came in my wife's dream and shown how he saved her brother from a giant MONSTER. Next day morning we received the shocking news. He is still in trouble. Angiogram has to be done. We are sure that the SHIBPUR BABA'S UDHI will make the Angiogram gram results in his (Brother-in-law) favour.

42.A female devotee from Madhya Pradesh, India had been going through a lot of trouble in having a child. She suffered a miscarriage approximately 16 times. Worried that she may never carry a full-term child she looked for divine intervention. She heard about the Shibpur temple and called Amitji to pray to Baba on her behalf. Amitji consoled the lady saying that she has sought refuge in Baba and sent her Udi from the Shibpur temple. A year later the lady was blessed with a son. She remains ever thankful to Baba for the wonderful gift.

43. A Delhi based businessman had bought a property and after that he got into trouble regarding the property. He then sent the Shibpur Temple a donation and told Baba if his issue got resolved, he would visit Baba at the Shibpur temple. In a few weeks after this, by Baba’s grace, the issues and disputes on the property got resolved and the gentleman has planned to visit the temple in April 2011.

44.A couple from Chennai has been issueless for nearly 12 years. Both being doctors, have tried every possible treatment available to enhance the chances of having a baby. There was no hope for them. While surfing the internet, the lady stumbled upon a site that outlined the numerous miracles by SaiBaba through the Shibpur temple. At once she resolved to send with love the gold chain she wore around her neck to Baba in Shibpur and pray for a child. She invoked Baba’s grace through Amitji and is now 7 months pregnant. By Baba’s grace we soon hope to hear of her successful delivery.

45.A USA based devotee was diagnosed with Diabetes. Tired with the constant trouble caused by the disease, the devotee consulted many doctors in the US for relief but to no avail. Then the devotee requested Amitji to pray to Baba for relief. Amitji sent him some UDI from the Shibpur temple along with some Neem leaves from the tree believed to have been planted by Baba at Shibpur. After taking these the devotee now does not suffer from the illness anymore. He is ever grateful to Baba for his love and cure.

46.Families of two young girls from the village of Shibpur were trying hard to get them married. Given the financial demands of prospective grooms the girls were not able to get a suitable match. One day they approached the Shibpur Temple priest and poured their heart out to him and requested, he intercede to Baba for them. The priest prayed to Baba and told the girls that merciful Sai will get them married in three month's time. By Baba’s grace the girls had gotten married in good families in the stipulated time.

47.There were two childhood friends who loved each other dearly. After growing up the girl got a job in a local university in Kolkata and the boy left to work in another country. After some time a misunderstanding arose and the two broke their relationship. The girl depressed agreed to marry a boy of her parent's choice. A few days after her wedding the misunderstanding were suddenly cleared. The girl felt guilty for the losing the love of her life for something so trivial. She was depressed and called Amitji for help. Amitji disapproved of her request but told her she is free to visit Baba at Shibpur and put her grievance before him and that Baba alone is the one who can best decide for her. The girl and her mother visited Shibpur and the girl prayed to Baba from the bottom of her heart and pleaded to Baba to solve her dilemma. Later events unfolded such that her husband requested a divorce from her in a months’ time. The girl divorced him and later got married to her child hood sweetheart. The two are very happy and thankful to Baba for taking care of them.

48.Currently the Shibpur Samity is reconstructing the 100 year old temple of SaiBaba. For the flooring purposes Amitji had planned to have a white marble floor with a green border. There are workers that are staying in the premises to help build the temple. One night Baba appeared to a worker in his dream and instructed him that he would like the border of the temple floor to be pink instead of green. The worker was not a Baba devotee. He just was working for his daily survival. Extremely scared about not being believed, the worker approached Amitji and told him about his dream. Amitji immediately thanked him and has now decided to change plans and lay a pink border on the flooring. Is it not marvelous that Baba is ensuring his will, is known on different aspects of building this temple?

49.A lady devotee of Baba from Siliguri, India had called Amitji to pray on her behalf to Baba. It had been 12 years since she was trying for a child. She had sent numerous donations and offered pooja to Baba at Shibpur through Amitji. After a year, the lady got pregnant and now she is blessed with a Baby.

50.A woman from Lucknow, India had read about the Shibpur temple online. She had called Amitji to relate her biggest problem – not being able to conceive even after 14 years. Amitji assured her he would try and seek Baba’s grace for her. He advised her to have faith in Baba’s feet as no one goes empty handed from the fakir’s doorstep. The lady is now in her 4th month of pregnancy and we pray that Baba helps her deliver a lovely child. A girl whose parents reside at Shibpur was married and blessed with a child. The 6 month's old baby contracted typhoid and doctor's said that there was not much they could do given that the child was so small and the disease was in its worst stage. The grandmother of the Baby came to the Shibpur temple on a Thursday and invoked Baba’s grace from the bottom of her heart. She took UDI from the temple and applied it to the child. The mother is bringing her healthy and healed child to Shibpur Temple to place it at Baba’s feet in the last week of March 2011.

A Canada based gentleman suffered from sudden mental instability and was not responding to his family or duties of a husband. He experienced a lot of weakness and was not able to do the daily activities that normal people do. He was suffering. His wife read about the Shibpur temple and contacted Amitji to pray for her husband. By Baba’s grace her husband is now responding and slowly coming back to his normal self. A Chennai based business man was suffering a lot due to some major business issue. He felt very disheartened and then called Amitji saying he would like to donate some amount to Baba. He donated Rs. 50,000 from his last savings and never called back for a year. Recently, he called Amitji to tell him that the big business issue plaguing him is solved and he is slowly getting back on his feet.

51.As narrated by Amitji- Their lives on the outskirts of Shibpur a well-to-do Muslim gentlemen. He was residing in Shibpur for a while but in the past three to four years he noticed a great number of people coming to Shibpur by car or bus. He began to wonder what could possibly be in Shibpur that so many outsiders made their way there. This gentleman had been diagnosed with a heart ailment and his physical strength coupled with his age did not make surgery a fruitful option. He went to Delhi and another metro to seek second opinion from other reputed doctors. With no hope left, he decided to go to Haj. Upon completion of Haj he went to his son’s home in Mumbai. There he saw the picture of Shibpur SaiBaba and got to know from his son about how the temple came about. One night as he lay looking at the picture, he began to see a yellow light glowing from Baba’s heart. This continued for the next few nights. Then he suddenly had to be admitted to a hospital in Mumbai and underwent another surgery, not heart related. Upon checking with the doctor the doctor said his heart ailment no longer was an issue. The doctor could not find any traces of the disease. The man returned to Shibpur and for the first time entered the temple and prayed to Baba giving him Thanks!

52.Miracle by another Sai devotee – We had applied for a loan in India at the biggest nationalized bank. After three months of running back and forth we finally completed the file. The bank man actually told us wrongly that he will take care of the rest of the application and we believed him. For more than two months after we gave him papers he did not submit. Finally without any reason he returned it back to us and did not even put the bank stamp on document saying he returned the papers. We were shocked and since that loan had to be given to some one else we were stuck. Where are we to pay out of our small pockets for an investment? Then, since last Thursday every day me and my husband (who is not a devotee) were applying Shibpur Sai Baba's UDI and praying. Within four days (that is today Monday) we got news that another Bank we applied to, had finally sanctioned the loan. Just in time we got the money and Baba saved us. Otherwise it would be a huge loss for my family since we had invested our time and effort into this.

53.I would like to share some experience of Shibpur Sai Mandir. I came to know about this place Shibpur Sai Mandir thru web site. Also I realized the meaning of Shraddha and saburi. It’s my wish that I will offer some puja on my birthday which is on 4th of June. But from January I tried myself to visit this temple but could not do so due to various reason once it happened in march that everything was final but it cancelled on the very last moment to visit there. But atlast yesterday Baba called me and I went there for Baba's darshan with my father.But this is the appropriate time to visit there, because if i visited there before then it will be too early for my birthday, and also from next week my exams will start and it's not possible for me to go there after this time. There baba fullfilled my each and every very small wishe's..This journey became one of my most memorable one because, i had visited lot's of different mandirs.but didn't get so much attention and caring behaviour what i got from the temple commitee. The people are so good in there behaviour, so caring and loving that i feel realy very fortunate for it and also I wished to visit next time with my family and friends.

54.As narrated by another Sai Devotee - I would like to share more of my experience in Shibpur Sai Mandir. Here is one of them. I stay in Kolkata. Three to four months back it happened that I went to one of the kali temple and bought one beautiful garland for kali maa and my wished that kali maa will wear it. So I gave my garland to one of the temple priest and request him very politely to put this garland to kali maa’s neck in front of me. He asked for dakshina, but I gave him small amount. But the priest told me slowly to increase the amount. I didn’t do so because of I didn’t carry my purse that day. I only took some money for that temple left my purse in my scooter and that time its not possible for me to go back and bring some more money. Then again I requested him to please wear it on kali maa's neck, then the priest became furious and insulted me in front of everyone and said that he can’t do so for the dakshina he gave him. And no body was there to protest, so i came home and cried a lot thinking what my fault was??? I just told him to wear it on kali maa's neck and the garland was beautiful, then why did he do so because of dakshina??? From that day I don’t like any priests. And also I had seen lots of Mandir that priests are very much interested about there dakshina instead of performing puja. But here in Shibpur Sai Mandir my experience with the preist shocked me.The way the priests communicated with us was so good. He behaved like that we are his relatives or some thing like that. When I paid dakshina to him, he took me near to Baba and told me that i touch that money on Baba's feet. I did the same what he told me. And told me that i put that money to dakshina box. I was totally shocked that dakshina is his right to take but he didn’t take, instead he behaved so good with caring attitude which I didn’t experienced anywhere.

55.Cancer patient gets cured up by the Divine Grace of Shri Sainath at Shibpur - > The fact that, "The point, where the Material Science ends turns out to be the starting point of the Spiritual science" has been proved once again by an outstanding Miracle of Lord Shri Sainath at the Shibpur Sai Temple.

> Smt Latika Ghosh of Nadia had developed an infection near her breast which was unfortunately not diagnosed properly by the local doctors & was mistreated. Days passed, bringing no improvement to her health, rather her condition became worse. She was then suffering from various other critical complications. Finally when it was detected to be cancer, she was admitted to Nilratan Sarkar Medical College Hospital. As she had developed severe anemia by that time, the doctors decided to start Blood Transfusion immediately, as they were suspecting that she was suffering from leukemia. But with no hope of life, eventually she was released from the hospital, after some days, as they were not financially strong enough to afford the daily hospital charges.

> Latika’s sister in law got married at Shibpur village. She came to the temple for Baba’s darshan on the day of Ram Navami (24th March2010), while the ceremony of Baba’s Pransthapana was carried on. Suddenly she got a call in her mobile from the home asking her to reach home as early as possible as Latika was going to breath her last shortly. She was shocked to hear this & cried fervently in front of Baba & requested the members of the temple committee for some Prasad & Udi for Latika, so that she could leave her mortal body peacefully by Baba’s Grace. Taking the Prasad & Udi, she rushed to her house & found Latika fully unconscious, slowly arriving to the final moment of her life. She put some Prasad in her mouth & Udi on her forehead in no time.

The Miracle which happened next, really made all the people present there completely spellbound!! Latika got up suddenly & sat on the bed regaining her full consciousness & clearly asked in a steady manner, "Why don’t you have brought this Prasad & Udi for me before?" Her relatives could not believe their eyes for what they have seen just now!! Latika’s sister in law rushed to the Temple in no time & wept before Baba. But this time her tears were scented with Baba’s Bliss & were manifestation of her Love & Devotion for Baba…THE SUPREME DOER…!!! Now Latika is completely cured up & has joined to her normal life as before.

56.A lady was married in the village of Shibpur from a neighboring village. Her brother got into a quarrel and drank poison. He was taken to the hospital and doctors tried to revive him, but to no avail. Then the doctors pronounced him dead. The lady was sad and called Amitji who placed the phone at Baba's feet and she pleaded with Baba for his life saying that he has done a big mistake and to save him. She promised to bring her brother to baba in Shibpur if he spared his life. This Tuesday both brother and sister came to visit Baba and offer their Thanks!

57.A miracle by a Sai devotee- Wanted to share a big miracle with all of you. My little Sai was diagnosed with myopia (of -1.5) at the age of 3.5 months. Needless to say, I was devastated. I fervently prayed to Baba to bless my little one with healthy eye sight. I started applying Udi on both of his eyes, rinsing his eyes with Baba's Abhishekam Theertha. My mom has unwavering faith in Baba and I know its her devotion towards Baba that resulted in this great miracle. Today, the eye doctor confirmed that my little one is not nearsighted. He may become nearsighted in the future. I'll just keep praying.... I used to send prayers to Shirdi and also talked to Amit ji in Shibpur to pray for my son. All those prayers are answered. Right now, we have one more very serious eye problem for my little one, which I’m sure Sai will take care of. Update: The doctor ruled out the serious eye problem which is glaucoma. The doctor thought my son could be a glaucoma suspect because of his big eyes which he inherited from me. I’m a glaucoma suspect too and was very scared to hear this. Today the doctor confirmed that he is not a glaucoma suspect and his visual acuity is excellent, a lot better than most kids of his age. Such a relief. Thanks Baba! I talked to Amit ji yesterday also and he assured me that my 15 month old son would be fine. His words came true. Amit ji and my mom believed in Baba more than me. Update; Yesterday, we took our little son for a follow up appointment; the eye doctor said she has no concerns what a great news from Baba! We still continued to apply UDI and Baba’s abhishekam theertha to my son’s eyes and will continue to do that. UDI is the best medicine when Science has no cure. Many many thanks Baba! Meanwhile I still continued to talk to Amitji in Shibpur who assured me that my son is going to be fine.

58.Latest Miracle: I shared this miracle with a fellow devotee and did not feel like sharing this miracle with everyone until 5 mins ago, but Baba changed my mind (Everything that happens is his Leela). Last Saturday, I saw my son's eye balls moving back and forth while spinning. I was scared and all the internet stuff was scary too talking about my stagmus. That's the only time I have seen and I've never seen before or after.I felt his eyes are moving even though they are not because of my anxiety.I prayed Baba(not honestly or intensely this time because I took him for granted and because my son is Baba's child) I took him to eye doctor(my parents did not have a good sleep yesterday night because I was scared and scared them too) and eye doctor told me his eyes are normal and what I have seen is a reflex common in young children.This is to say that Baba helps even when you have wavering faith and for he alone knows what is good for everyone. Even though we do various things(knowingly or unknowingly), he will actually change the circumstances(good or bad) for the benefit of us...

59.I first talked to Amitji in March and some time during last year, Amitji told me that there will be no eye problems for my little Sai and Baba has taken care of his eyes. Also I wanted to share another miracle with you...My son used to have projectile vomiting atleast once a day(some times 3-4 times, each one used to last about couple of mins). I sent prayer requests to Shibpur and Shirdi and I promised Baba that I'll change my son's name to Sai and we did that(Earlier Sai was his middle name).

DHUNI LEELA: Amitji and few other devotees have experienced this divine Dhuni leela at Shibpur. Please read below-
It seems that every night after all the people leave the temple including Amitji, it was observed by some one for past few days that the Dhuni in the Dhuni room at Shibpur temple automatically lits itself very high and huge flames come out of it. This repeats again around 2.30 or 3.00 am early morning it raises up. So the last Friday, Amitji with some other devotee who works in the temple wanted to see this miracle happening. So once every one left the temple, only these 2 persons were standing there watching the Dhuni and as every night even that day the Dhuni lit itself very high, so high that they had to bring some water and put it off. Even then again at 2.30am the Dhuni began to light itself. This is really a Divine leela of Baba I would call it to mark his presence at Shibpur. It has been almost 8-9 months that the Dhuni room was built and only when the time came to reveal the secret, Baba had shown this to Amitji and other devotees. Amitji and other devotees at the temple deeply believe that it is none other than Baba who is doing it as even when the water is spilled over to lower the Dhuni it lights itself after sometime. What a wonderful leela of Shri Sai.

61.This incident surely marks his presence there in Shibpur. A resident of Shibpur who has his own house just adjacent to the Shibpur temple was observing a wired light in the temple when it was dark night around 2-3am and there was no one in the temple. He once thought that it might be a thief in the temple and observed the same thing happening the next night as well. This time he decided to go into the temple in that night hour and follow the light. As he entered the temple, he still saw the light as if someone is showing him a torch like light. He once started to follow that light and while following the light he could smell a very beautiful and sweet smell, a smell where he has not seen it in anytime of his life, it was like away from this world. This is what he narrated to Amitji. He feels that it was Baba walking around in the temple and only he could give out such nectar like fragrance.

62.As we all know that the bamboo structured temple is now being rebuilt and the construction is going on. A few days back there was recorded sudden heavy storm and it was raining continuously for 2 hours. It was afternoon time and as all the laborers and village people usually sleep at that time. There was no one at the temple. Once the rains stopped all the laborers rushed to the temple to see the construction and they were very much dejected to see that the seat where baba's idol will be placed is totally washed out as it was newly constructed. All the villagers were kind of puzzledhow can this happen when baba is here and the laborers were feeling sad as they had no more money to rebuild this thing and not sure how will the construction process go from now! Later next morning when the laborers and the village people came in to start the construction, all of them were shocked and happy to see that the construction which was damaged was now totally fixed even when other things which were damaged remained damaged. The construction was still there and was as it is! What could we infer other than baba doing this!

63.As we all know there is Kakad Aarti done to baba every morning. The Pujaari at the Shibpur temple also does that with few villagers every morning. He has this habit of collecting red hibiscus flowers every evening from few houses for Baba's Kakad Aarti. It so happened last Sunday that this Pujaari's daughter had an interview in a nearby village called Behthurdari and he had to accompany her daughter to that village and this even took his whole day. He thought he might be back in the evening to collect the flowers for next day's Kakad Aarti but, it was around 9.00pm that he reached his home on the Sunday night. He thought Ok, I can collect the flowers the next morning before the pooja is done and in that thought he slept. The next morning when he got up, he performed his usual works, had bath and went to the temple to collect the vessel in which he collects the flowers from few houses. The moment he saw that vessel he was shocked to see the same Red Hibiscus flowers in the vessel. Even though he was excited to see them he thought that those might be place by some devotee the previous day. But, upon inquiring about those flowers that had anyone brought it from their houses, none of the villagers said yes to that and it was so for sure that it was all Baba's leela!

64.Another interesting thing happening at Shibpur temple, the place where the construction is going on was - Usually it so happens that the laborers working in the temple for the construction leave their tools here and there in the temple. It was observed from last few weeks that while this small temple construction is going on where baba would reside, some one was supervising the work there. The reason being that, every next morning the workers were puzzled to see that their tools were again placed at the correct place where they need to put it. To test this fact few laborers intentionally put their tools everywhere in the temple and the next morning they were amazed to see the tools at one and proper place. As we all would understand this, it is only Baba supervising this!!

65.A person called Subhas Chandra kamkar, who runs a cloth store in the village, is devoted to Baba. A few weeks back he had casually visited a doctor for general checkup and was shocked to see that his Sugar levels raise so high to 500 (sorry but I am not aware of the metrics here). Seeing this he was so terrified and began to think that soon he is going to die. So, he decided to do Annadaan at the Shibpur temple so that atleast he will be happy that he did a good work before laying his body. So last Thursday he came to the temple and did Annadaan will full devotion thinking that he is offering food to Baba. The next morning he consulted the doctor and was so happy to see that his sugar levels came down to 200 and now he checked that again and it is back to Normal. What a leela of baba is this! He definitely gives us the importance of Annadaan here.

66.There was another recent incident regarding the roofing of the temple. As the roofing for this small temple or House of Baba will be of steel sheets, it needs a lot of Woodwork to be done and for that case the carpenter had asked Amitji to give an initial amount of 10,000 to 15,000 Rs/- in order to get the woodwork done. But Amitji had no amount for that as there is a very less amount of donations coming in. So he had postponed the order. But the same night some lady from New Delhi called Amitji and said that she will be donating Rs.10,000/-, for the temple construction and there was no reason to ask her why. So, that amount as was online transferred to Amitji’s account was collected from the bank the next day and the woodwork for the roof is now going on. -- I remember one of the sayings or assurances that Baba has given Amitji that "you don’t have to worry about the amount for building the temple, I will make the arrangements" and so it has been so that all the interested Sai devotees have donated so much so far .. And this is all only when Baba willed.

67.In the Month of April 2010, a 10 year old boy named Parimal Paul, son of Sri Pradip Paul resident of Shibpur was badly injured in his eyes when he fell upon bamboo fence which directly struck in his eyes while playing. He was taken to hospital .Doctors suggested for his immediate operation in some other developed Hospital .Then he was taken in to renowned Eye Hospital in Kolkota for operation, but it was not successful and Parimal lost his vision.The Boy‘s mother rushed to Shibpur Baba temple and prayed for her son’s eyesight. She also asked Amit Biswas to pray for her child to Baba. He prayed and applied Holy Udi to affected eyes of the Boy by chanting Baba’s name and instructed her to wash the eyes of her son with Holy water offered to Baba during his Madhyanya Bhoga repeatedly through out the night. She returned home and performed same as instructed by Amit ji. Next day boy woke up regaining his normal vision. His parents along with neighbors and relatives rushed to temple to thank Baba.

68.One day a devotee came for Baba’s darshan. He had severe stomach pain for quite a few days. The pain was so much that it was impossible for him to sit in this temple. With great devotion he prayed to Baba and took His UDI mixed in water. Within minute the stomach pain vanished and he never felt that pain any more 69.On the Auspicious Day of Rama Navami, this year, the New Sai Moorty sent by Ramani has been installed at the altar of the Temple. By Baba’s grace all the program went on uninterruptedly & ended successfully. On the same night while all the villagers were in a deep slumber, Baba appeared in dream to some of them including Amit Biswas & told that “If the villagers dig out the soil from the left side of the main entrance to their respective houses, tomorrow, they will discover My Udi over there as my blessings.”The next morning when they woke up, the Divine instructions soon got circulated throughout the village like a bonfire. The villagers out of intense inquisitiveness started to dig out the soil from the marked regions as instructed by Baba in the dream. After continuous digging for sometime they got spellbound when they discovered Udi & charcoal of the Havan, performed the day before at the inauguration ceremony of the temple. This went on happening to each & every house of Shibpur & even at the adjacent villages. Some people reported that they started digging through their permanent concrete floors in a challenging mood & was astonished to discover the Havan Charcoal & Udi after same time. For authenticity the members of the Samity took snaps of that miraculous event. Strange enough that when people rushed at the Temple after this miracle they found that no Charcoal has been left within the Havan Kunda. ”Any one who has doubt believing this incident can enquire at every house of Shibpur & its adjacent Villages in order to get rid of his doubts, says Amit Biswas, the Chairman ,Shibpur Sai Sadguru Samity.

Please see few more miracles and incidents from Shibpur –

70.There was a man who from a nearby city to Kolkata. he was jobless for past 2 years and this year in Jan he came to know about Shibpur and did visit Baba a lot of times. Even in the Shibpur festival in April he was there with Amitji and pleaded him to pray for him near Baba as he was facing lot of difficulties without a job. Even his own family was starting to desert him. Bu when Amitji prayed for him near Baba, it was said that he will get a job in 3 months time and he did get a job now and is happy with his family now.

71.There is another incident that AMitji wanted to share. A lady from Aurtalia called AMitji few months back saying that her 20yr old daughter is missing from past 3years. Her mother wept continuously over the phone with AMitji and said that she doesn't know if her daughter is dead or alive. AMitji upon hearing her request, prayed to Sai and baba mentioned that she will get her daughet back in 3months time. With in 2 months her daughter went home and that lady was very very happy to see her back. But she did not find time to thank Baba nor even Amitji. And last few days back she again called Amitji saying the whole thing and mentioned to pray again for her child. !!
All the miracles listed here were in the month of August 2011:
72. There is a small village called Gabinpur near West Bengal's border where a man was suffering from a disease and was running in his village with no clothes on him ,then some of his friend or relatvive prayed for him in the Shibpur temple and he got cured in no time. This was in Aug.

73.A guy from Salt lake city,Calcutta used to send some or other donation to the Shibpur temple for construction or for any other thing. This went on for almost 14 months and now last month it was learnt that he got placed in a good Autralian comapny and will be soon flying there for his work!

74.There were recorded 5 child related cases solved, 3 child health related cases solved and 4-5 marriage related issues solved this month in Shibpur temple. These devotees either sent prayers/pooja to the temple and got their issues resolved with Baba's blessings.

75.Also, there were 2 guys, one from Mumbai and one from Pune who used to donate regularly for the temple. One of this got promotion at his workplace and other person was made permament in his company with Baba's blessings.

76. There was another guy from India (name cannot be disclosed) who is a successful businessmen man but suffering with physical problems which afected his married life and was not cured even after consulting so many doctors. After endless attempts, he read about the Shibpur temple and contacted Amitji and talked about his issue. Amitji sent him the Udi and prayed for him. Last month he called and said that he is completely cured now and he was happy with his family. He also offered Pooja for Baba in the temple before and after his cure.

Cows in the village suffering from Anthrax, gets cured after drinking water mixed with Baba’s udi. A cow gave birth to a calf after 6 years when udi was smeared on her head and udi mixed in water was offered to the cow

Sairam everyone, we would like to share few more stories from Shibpur which were seen in past few months. As you know, many devotees have been offering their prayers, special pooja and have been receiving Baba's vibhuti which helped many of them to relieve their pains and sufferings and fulfill all their desires. Here are few incidents that we wanted to share with you.

1.It was noted that there were nearly 86 couples who were desperately praying for a child and were eventually Blessed by Baba. Few couples were blessed with a Baby even after being childless for 9 years (USA) and 18 years (Chennai) respectively.

2. Nearly 16 people from many parts of the world were gifted with a Job with Baba's grace.

3. Almost 63 couples were blessed by Baba to get married.

4. As many as 192 cases for health issues and nearly 72 familes were relieved from having family issues.

5.This included a person from Orrisa, who was suffering with Paralysis for many years. But, after having Baba's vibhuti from Shibpur and his devotion finally cured him totally and now he is fully fit.

6. Another person from Bihar had a severe breathing problem, his doctor had even made a final statement that he would lose his life in next few months. But, with baba's grace and Udi (Udi mixed with water for 3 months continuously) he was totally cured and is now fully fit.

7. A 50 year old devotee from Krishnanagar was suffering due to a Celebral attack from many years But, after having Baba's Udi and offering prayers at the temple, he is totally cured now

8. Few MLA from Karnataka had offered pooja at the temple during the Karnataka Assembly elections and all of them had won!

9. Another TV artist from Southern Kolkata had offered prayers and Pooja at the temple as his Career was declining. But, by Baba's grace he is performing well now and very happy.

************************We thank you for all your support so far.******************************
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